Monday, December 30, 2013

India: 122nd Annual Convention comes to a close in Qadian

The Promised Messiah and his community has been the recipient of the Divine succor and Allah has always shown signs in favor of the Promised Messiah through revelation and blessed dreams.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | Int'l Desk
Source/Credit: Ahmadiyya Times
By Ch. Maqbool Ahmad | December 30, 2013

Qadian: The three-days 122nd International Ahmadiyya convention concluded here yesterday with the closing address delivered by the Caliph of Islam, Hazrat (His Holiness) Mirza Masroor Ahmad.

His Holiness said in his concluding address that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and its founder, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, the Promised Messiah, has always been and will always be blessed with the Divine succor.

Speaking from London, Hazrat Ahmad was addressing the followers of the faith through live simulcast coordinated between Qadian and London through the community’s worldwide network of Muslim Television Ahmadiyya (MTA).

His Holiness further said that the discrimination and persecution in the name of religion which Ahmadis are undergoing in Pakistan and some other countries will not last long and the enemies of the innocent Ahmadis will soon be doomed.

The leader of the Ahmadiyya community said that the Holy Quran speaks of the two advents of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (on whom be peace). He said the Quranic verses signifies that the Holy Prophet will be raised among another people who had not yet joined his immediate followers of the Prophet Muhammd at the time.

The Promised Messiah and his community has been the recipient of the Divine succor and Allah has always shown signs in favor of the Promised Messiah through revelation and blessed dreams, Hazrat Ahmad said.

After the address His Holiness raised his hand for prayer and millions of Ahmadis worldwide joined in the prayers through Muslim Television Ahmadiyya.

The first session of the third day of the convention was attended by many social and political personalities of the country.

The film actor and ex-state foreign Minister Mr. Vinod  Khana, also attended the Ahmadiyya convention.

Addressing the delegates, Mr. Khana said the peace of hearts gradually spreads its fragrance in the society.

He said that, after visiting Qadian, he learnt that true peace is observed here in this town and the credit goes to the Ahmadiyya Muslim community.

Nearly 18,000 delegates from 36 countries attend the 122nd Annual Convention in person and millions more watched the satellite transmission of the convention via MTA After the concluding address Ahmadiyya delegates raised slogans in favor of Islam, Ahmadiyyat and Derwaishanay Qadian.

  --  India: 122nd Annual Convention comes to a close in Qadian

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