Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Perspective: How to Prevent another San Bernardino Shooting | Ayesha Noor

Everyone is wondering how this is even possible, with some arguing this is a new way to radicalize youth. On the contrary, this method has existed for some 90 years.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: Patheos | Islam Ahmadiyya
By Ayesha Noor | December 14, 2015

To understand why the San Bernardino shooting happened in 2015 America, I have to take you to back to 1920s India.

Back in 1920s India appeared a derogatory book shamelessly ridiculing Prophet Muhammad. As a result the Indian Muslim Community responded in two very different ways:

Muslim clerics—lacking in vision and unity—considered it to be a deplorable sin and resorted to violence. They instigated young Muslims against the publisher, so much so that one person murdered him. That extremist Muslim was hanged but his hanging only fueled to the fire. Instead of calming the public down, Muslim clerics used the execution to further fan the flames.

Employing the opposite reaction, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of undivided India considered the book’s publication as merely an act of ignorance. Therefore, they resorted to mutual dialogue, education, and interfaith conferences. Under true spiritual caliphate, the then Khalifa of Islam Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad, the entire community held public celebrations of Prophet Muhammad to educate people about his beautiful life and pristine character. They waged an intellectual Jihad of the Pen. The true Islamic Khalifa directed his community to additionally hold Religious Founders Day events, which served to educate Muslims about the holy characters of founder of various other religions. This act paved the road to inter-religious harmony by creating mutual respect for each other.

Meanwhile, one such cleric who incited terrorism against the publisher was Maulana Abul Ala Maududi—a self-taught religious scholar. Mullah Maududi exploited the inflamed religious mood in his favor and established himself as a so-called progressive voice on Islam. With his limited and often flawed knowledge, he produced a tortuous interpretation of the Holy Quran focused on violent Jihad, and gathered a huge following. His legacy comprises of promoting Jihad of the sword, mixing of mosque and state, politicizing religion, prescribing death for blasphemy and apostasy, restrictions on women, and above all—introducing the term Islamic State. His rigid and authoritarian views gained traction in Pakistan’s Jamaat-e-Islami as well as thousands of other religious schools and Madrassas of indian subcontinent. Sayyid Qutb, the leading member of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, was thoroughly influenced by Maududi’s books ‘Jihad in Islam, ‘Islam and Jahiliya’, and ‘Principles of Islamic Government’. Now, it’s an open secret that the Muslim Brotherhood had a pivotal role in the emergence of terror organizations in the late 20th century. It is, therefore, a no brainer for anyone that Maududi is the father of modern day terrorism in the name of Islam. For the record in 1950’s, Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad in his book “Murder in the name of Allah” envisaged the mayhem Maududians philosophy would bring to the world and refuted his violent version of Islam with the teachings of true Islam.

Fast forward to 2015.

The FBI now believes that the San Bernardino terrorists were radicalized even before ISIS came to the scene. Everyone is wondering how this is even possible, with some arguing this is a new way to radicalize youth. On the contrary, this method has existed for some 90 years.

While watching the footage of San Bernardino Shooting suspect’s apartment, I spotted Maududis book Tafheemul Quran. This was the first clue. Next, news reports indicate that Tafsheen Malik attended Al-Huda, a religious school for women based on Maududi’s teachings. This was the second clue. And finally, the FBI reported that Malik pledged allegiance to ISIS on Facebook. Many people don’t realize that when terrorist al-Bhagdadi announced the creation of ISIS, he staked his claim in the need for an Islamic State directly or indirectly from Mullah Maududi himself.

And that’s when it clicked in—the Maududian legacy established some 90 years prior was in full swing in California. The couple literally lived the life Maududi envisioned — radicalism was bound to kick in.

All this is just the tip of the iceberg. The real problem is deeply rooted. Maududi’s radicalized views have plagued countless young minds. There are well over 40,000 religious schools in Pakistan only that produce thousands of Maududi-inspired individuals every year. Similarly, institutions like Al-Huda are established in many other parts of the world. Just recently, 4 Canadian Muslim students of Al-Huda Islamic institute tried to join ISIS. One succeeded in her imbecile attempt, while the others were brought back.

Combine this history with the bitter reality that all models of countering terrorism have failed. The United Nations has fall flat to curb extremism. Illegal US led wars have helped terrorism grow further. And the Syria crisis appears to see no end.

The question is thus how to combat such deep rooted terrorism and extremism?

Well, 1920s India already offered that solution. The antidote of terrorism is twofolds: reject Maududian philosophy and accept the pluralistic true Islam as exemplified by Ahmadiyya Islam.

Rejecting Maududian ideology means eradicating all Maududi-inspired-religious schools at home and abroad. To be clear, I understand that not every madrassah student, or a Al-Huda girl or all the readers of Maududi books will commit terror. But, why expose our youth to the ignorant and uninformed mind of a terrorist who ultimately inspired ISIS?

To then fill that void, follow the example of the true Khalifa of Islam, Mirza Masroor Ahmad. Under the true Khalifa’s leadership of pluralism and dialogue, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has spread peacefully to 207 nations worldwide. Instead of the bloody concept of Jihad with sword, Ahmadi Muslims believe in the higher form of Jihad i.e. Jihad against oneself that incites evil, and the Jihad of pen. Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA, ironically founded in 1920’s, is doing just the same. Through education and dialogue, it is bringing communities together instead of pushing them away.

And today, while Maududian Islam—founded in ignorance—produces suicide bombers and terrorists, Ahmadiyya Islam—founded in education—produces men and women dedicated to the service of all humanity.

We still have time to save 2020’s America and the world at large from extremism. It is only possible if we conclusively reject Maududi’s Islam and accept the practical model of true Islam installed by Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in 1920’s India.

Follow Ayesha on Twitter @FriendlyMuslim

Read original post here: Perspective: How to Prevent another San Bernardino Shooting | Ayesha Noor

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