Friday, December 25, 2015

UK: How will Ahmadi Muslims spend Christmas day?

“On Christmas Day we will be giving food to homeless people at the Methodist Mission on Lord Street, to asylum seekers and will be visiting elderly people”

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch |
Source/Credit: The Huddersfield Daily Examiner
By Chloe Glover | December 25, 2015


Christmas Day is finally here, with families across Huddersfield coming together for presents, food and festivities.

But with many people of different religions living in Kirklees, not everyone will be celebrating the festive period in the same way.

We talked to leaders of different faiths to see what their members will be doing on December 25 when everything shuts down and on New Year’s Day.

According to the latest Census, a total of 61,280 Muslims live in the area, representing 14.5 per cent of our population.

A spokesman for the Islamic Cultural Welfare Association, based in Batley, said: “Because everyone will be off work we have our general meetings on Christmas Day.
Ahmadiyya Muslims, a smaller denomination within Islam, dedicate the period to volunteering.

“On Christmas Day we will be giving food to homeless people at the Methodist Mission on Lord Street, to asylum seekers and will be visiting elderly people”, said Fatihul Haq, president of Ahmadiyya Muslim Association Huddersfield.

“Volunteering is a big thing for us at this time as Islam instructs us that we should serve human kind wherever possible, it’s love for all, hatred for none.”

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Read original post here: UK: How will Ahmadi Muslims spend Christmas day? 

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  1. Being a true muslim and followers Rasool Allah SAW, we respect all religions and their festivities.
    Wasim Khan


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