Friday, April 22, 2016

USA: Muslims for Life meant to focus on positives | Shehla Ahmad

Discussions in the media in the aftermath of terrorist attacks often lead people to erroneously correlate Islam with terrorism, yet many times these reports exclude that extremists target both Muslims and non-Muslims indiscriminately.

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: Inside Nova
By Shehla Ahmad | April 21, 2016

Terrorists receive tremendous media coverage as an indirect outcome of their barbarity. Typically, media responses in such instances are primarily aimed at condemning terrorist actions. Yet if not done judiciously, excessive coverage can indirectly aid terrorists in their attention-seeking behavior. Extremists can get their hate-based propaganda delivered to vulnerable youth, along with their message of fear and polarization. Discussions in the media in the aftermath of terrorist attacks often lead people to erroneously correlate Islam with terrorism, yet many times these reports exclude that extremists target both Muslims and non-Muslims indiscriminately.

Muslims and Islam are often subjected to negative rhetoric after such atrocities and are routinely overlooked as similar victims to the same extremists as non-Muslims. Grossly disproportionate media coverage is noted when non-Muslim versus Muslim countries are attacked, creating a gulf in our society rather than uniting us. Recently the worldwide spiritual head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Khalifa of Islam, Mirza Masroor Ahmad discussed the significance of the media’s responsibility in our fight against extremism. His Holiness highlighted that the media’s role should include the promotion of goodness and peace, rather than unilateral non-stop worldwide coverage of the relatively few so-called Muslims responsible for brutality and carnage. He aptly pointed out that “publicity is the oxygen sustaining most terrorist or extremist groups."

One way to minimize terrorist notoriety is to shift the dialogue to include news stories that focus on the majority of peaceful Muslims who try to counter the extremist narrative. Multiple efforts are made by Muslims to demonstrate the inherently peaceful teachings of Islam, yet they rarely grab headlines. For instance, while terrorists are bringing ill repute to Islam by shedding the blood of innocent lives, there are Muslims who save lives by organizing blood drives.

One such effort is the Muslims for Life blood drives held annually nationwide, including in Prince William County, to honor the victims of 9/11. Recently, Prince William County police Officer Ashley Guindon was tragically killed on her first day of duty and two officers were injured. In response the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association of Woodbridge immediately arranged a Muslims for Life blood drive. This effort was dedicated to the brave members of law enforcement who serve to protect us all and was another example of a Muslim humanitarian effort as prescribed by Islam. Masroor Ahmad, a resident of Stafford County donated blood, stating, "as a Muslim it is my obligation to serve humanity."

Another area for consideration is coverage of Muslims trying to counter violent extremism. There is often a call for Muslims to denounce terrorism. While these statements exist, they are often overlooked in the news cycle. One such effort condemning extremism is the True Islam and the Extremists campaign. The goal of this nonsectarian campaign is to clarify the 11 critical areas that extremists distort to radicalize and justify their actions. The campaign helps educate Muslims and non-Muslims and asks them to endorse the effort as an act of solidarity. Presentations promoting the campaign throughout the country, along with a dedicated website, a significant social media presence and flyer distribution efforts, are conducted by Muslim volunteers. Hopefully causes like these will be showcased more to counter the negative actions of a tiny Muslim minority. And by sharing the positive actions of Muslims, the divisive goal the terrorists seek to create can be countered by a unified stance against extremism.

Stafford County resident Shehla Ahmad is a member of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and can be reached at

Read original post here: USA: Muslims for Life meant to focus on positives | Shehla Ahmad

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