Monday, April 18, 2016

USA: UC Berkeley Student Ejected From Southwest Airlines Flight After Speaking Arabic

I guess I could rip on the passenger who thought she overheard something she didn't, but she's just as much a victim of the crap that gets tossed around against Muslims as everyone else is.

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: Crooks & Liars
By Karoli Kuns | April 18, 2016

An Iraqi student who came to the United States as a refugee after his diplomat father was killed by the Saddam Hussein regime was removed from a Southwest Airlines flight after a passenger overheard him speaking in Arabic.

Makhzoomi, a 26-year-old Iraqi refugee, left Iraq in 2002 after his father, an Iraqi diplomat, was killed under Saddam Hussein’s regime. His family fled to Jordan, where they lived until the United States granted his family asylum. Today, Makhzoomi helps his mother care for his younger brother, who was diagnosed with Down syndrome.

One day prior to the incident, Makhzoomi attended a dinner at the Los Angeles World Affairs Council with Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon.

On his way back to Berkeley, Makhzoomi, a loyal Southwest premier rewards member, boarded his flight to Oakland and called his uncle in Baghdad to tell him about Ki-moon’s event. At the end of the phone call, conducted in Arabic, Makhzoomi said goodbye to his uncle with the phrase “inshallah,” which translates to “if God is willing.”

When Makhzoomi hung up, he noticed a female passenger looking at him. Once he made eye contact with her, she got up and left her seat.
“She kept staring at me and I didn’t know what was wrong,” he said. “Then I realized what was happening and I just was thinking ‘I hope she’s not reporting me.’”

Minutes later, an airport employee arrived to remove Makhzoomi from the airplane. Makhzoomi was escorted onto the passenger boarding bridge where he was met by three security officers.

He learned that the passenger thought she had heard the word “Shahid,” meaning martyr, which is associated with jihad and has been associated with terrorists.

The conversation between Makhzoomi and the employee became complicated and political. The employee informed Makhzoomi that he was not allowed to return to the plane.

Then Makhzoomi heard one of the security officers radio for the FBI.

“At that moment I couldn’t feel anything,” he said. “I was so afraid. I was so scared.”

This is what all the fearmongering has wrought. I guess I could rip on the passenger who thought she overheard something she didn't, but she's just as much a victim of the crap that gets tossed around against Muslims as everyone else is. Although, she might consider learning Arabic rather than pretending she understands a language she clearly didn't.

Southwest Airlines' response was predictably oblique.
A statement from Southwest Airlines says that prior to departure, the flight crew decided to investigate “potentially threatening comments” made by Makhzoomi aboard the aircraft.

“We wouldn’t remove passengers from flights without a collaborative decision rooted in established procedures,” the statement reads. “We regret any less than positive experience onboard our aircraft. … Southwest neither condones nor tolerates discrimination of any kind.”

But that passenger's paranoia caused some real anguish for Mr. Mahkzoomi.
In the meantime, security officers searched his bag again and continued to ask him if he had any other luggage he was keeping secret. Makhzoomi alleged that one police officer publicly searched his genital area and asked him if he was hiding a knife anywhere.

“That is when I couldn’t handle it and my eyes began to water,” he said. “The way they searched me and the dogs, the officers, people were watching me and the humiliation made me so afraid because it brought all of these memories back to me. I escaped Iraq because of the war, because of Saddam and what he did to my father. When I got home, I just slept for a few days.”

When the FBI arrived, Makhzoomi said they began questioning him about his family, the phone call he made on the plane and everything he knew about martyrism. After the interrogation was over, an FBI agent informed Makhzoomi that Southwest would not fly him home. Makhzoomi collected his refund and left Terminal 1 to process what had happened.

Makhzoomi called Southwest on Monday and they ensured his status was clear but offered him no apology. He said he considered filing a lawsuit against Southwest but decided against it.

“I don’t want money,” he said. “I don’t care about that. All I want is an apology.”

He's unlikely to get one anytime soon, but on behalf of sane Americans everywhere, I extend my sincere apologies for his humiliation and inconvenience, and hope he can forgive the idiots who reflexively fear humans who don't look or speak like them.

Read original post here: USA: UC Berkeley Student Ejected From Southwest Airlines Flight After Speaking Arabic

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