Friday, June 17, 2016

Ghana: Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth's 17th Eastern Regional Rally Themed “The Pathway to Peace: The Islamic Perspective”

The Eastern Regional Chief Imam, Alhaj Yussif Andani called on Muslim youths to live peaceful lives to erase the negative impression that Islam is a violent religion.

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | UK Desk
Source/Credit: MKA Ghana
By Malek Appiah Affum | June 16, 2016

Mr. Hanif Bipuah, the Ashanti Regional Youth President, has called on the youth to be always at peace with themselves so that they can be at peace with other people.

 Mr. Bipuah said, in these times Khilafat in Ahmadiyyat is the link which connects believers to Allah. While Allah is the source of all peace, Khilafat is the path to peace”.

Mr. Bipuah delivered the stimulating speech at the 17th Eastern Regional Ijtema (Rally) of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya held from 11th to 12th June, 2016 at Koforidua Lajna Imaillah Mosque. He spoke on the “The Pathway to Peace: The Islamic Perspective”.

The 17th Eastern Regional Ijtema (rally) began with sporting activities on 11th June with Khuddam and Atfal competing in various disciplines such as football, volleyball, lime and spoon, sack race, table tennis, scrabble and Ssabit Qqadmi, a Pakistani game. Religious academic competitions followed after maghrib and ishaah prayers. A speech on sacrificing for the continuation of Khilafat was expertly delivered by Ustaz Jamaludeen Donkoh (Koforidua Circuit Missionary). A marriage seminar was organised after fajr salat (early morning prayers) on 12th June, 2016 where the resource person, Ustaz Mubashir Adam Okwan (Akim Oda Circuit Missionary) warned members of the dangers of marrying women outside the jamaat. There was an open forum for questions.

The concluding session of the ijtema (rally) on 12th June, 2016 witnessed the presence of the Sadr, Majlis Ghana (National President) Mr. Abdul Noor Wahab, his deputy in charge of Greater Accra and Administration, Ustaz Aliu Adam and other National Officers, the Eastern Regional President of Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission, Alhaj Dr. Nana Mustapha Oti Boateng, the Regional Missionary Maulvi Mubarak Ahmad Adil and other invited guests.

In his opening address, the Regional Missionary Maulvi Mubarak Ahmad Adil narrated a story about Sa’ad bin Ar Rabbira, one of the Companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) He said the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) was sent to establish peace in the world and after his demise, his successors (caliphs) carry on with that responsibility. “As members of the Majlis (Khuddam and Atfal), we are a part of the institution of Khilafat and the backbone of the jamaat. We must, therefore, be ever obedient to the Khalifah in order to fulfil the task of establishing peace in the world”.

The Eastern Regional Youth President, Mr. Malek Appiah Affum reminded members that rallies provide the unique opportunity to get the Region together to promote brotherhood, renew old friendships and to compete with each other as per the Qur’anic injunction that we should “vie with one another in good works “(Ch.2:V.149). Mr. Affum added that the theme was apt as Ghana goes into elections in November. He advised the youth to ensure that there is peace before, during and after the elections.

There were fraternal messages from invited guests. The Eastern Regional Chief Imam, Alhaj Yussif Andani called on Muslim youths to live peaceful lives to erase the negative impression that Islam is a violent religion. Two past Regional Youth Presidents shared their experiences. The first Eastern Regional Youth President, Mr. Sadique Adu, gave a historic account of his time with the third and fourth Khulafa (successors to the Promised Messiah on whom be peace) during their visit to Ghana. He advised the youth to use technology to acquire knowledge for their spiritual growth. Mr. Suleiman Effah, also encouraged the youth to strive hard for the sake of the jamaat before they lose all their strength in old age.

Alhaj Dr. Nana Mustapha Oti Boateng, the Eastern Regional President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission and Guest Speaker, called on members of the Majlis to eschew avarice and promote peace and social justice with their youthful verve. He said they needed to be careful not to dissipate their youthful energies in fleeting pleasures as that was the best time for honest wealth acquisition whiles contributing to nation building

Awards and certificates were given to members who excelled in the sporting and academic competitions. A Certificate of Honour was presented to Mr. Bin Hakeem Ibrahim for his outstanding financial sacrifice towards the Majlis Khuddam Project. Mr. Mohammed Gyebi and Serdick Frempong were recognized for participating in the Ahmadi Youths All African Games (AYAAG) in Nigeria.

In his closing remarks, the Chairman, Mr. Abdul Noor Wahab, Sadr Mulk, thanked all invited guests for attending the event, those who made various sacrifices towards the event and beseeched Allah’s blessings on all who participated. 43 Khuddam and 51 Atfal from five Circuits participated in the rally.

Malek Appiah Affum is Eastern Regional Qaid of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Ghana

Read original post here: The Pathway to Peace: The Islamic Perspective

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