Sunday, March 14, 2010

Islam: Why are some Muslims changing the Kalima?

Islam is a perfect religion and Muhammad (sa) was the greatest and most perfect Prophet.  Those who wish to involve their personal additions and subtractions to Islam should stop for a moment and reflect; if the Prophet didn't include "last" in the Kalima Shahada, what right does anyone have to include it today?  Let us hope all Muslims, layman and scholar alike, leave this most unwelcome behavior.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff | Articles
Source & Credit: Chicago Islam Examiner | March 9, 2010
By Qasim Rashid | Chicago, IL

I visited an Islamic website  to look for some local mosques.  As I explored the website I found an "Ask the Shaikh" section.  The acquisition of knowledge is an important part of being a Muslim.  Therefore, I naturally skimmed through some of the questions that interested me.

One particular seeker asked, "What do I have to do to accept Islam?"  Interested in reading this particular Shaikh's answer, I clicked on the answer.

What I read as the response deeply disturbed me.

The Shaikh said, "If you wish to [accept] Islam you must do so by saying the shahaadah (testimony of faith) anew. Shahaadah involves testifying the Oneness of Allah as well as testifying to the fact that Prophet Muhammad (upon whom be Allah’s blessings and peace) is the servant and Final Messenger of Allah, after whom there is no other prophet."

What I've cited is a direct quote.  The last line in bold is the part that is quite disturbing.  If this was an isolated incident I would have brushed it off.  However, I am finding increasingly that so called scholars are adding "and Muhammad (sa) is His last prophet" to the Kalima.

For the record, the Kalima Shahada is "There is no god but Allah and Muhammad (sa) is His Messenger."  This is what the Master Prophet (sa) taught, and this is what Muslims have adhered to for the past 14 centuries.

So why the change?  Not only is it completely un-Islamic to change and innovate Islam, but it is an insult to the Prophet Muhammad (sa).  Moreover, such a change to one of the fundamental teachings of Islam only stands to confuse and mislead young and new Muslims.

Islam is a perfect religion and Muhammad (sa) was the greatest and most perfect Prophet.  Those who wish to involve their personal additions and subtractions to Islam should stop for a moment and reflect; if the Prophet didn't include "last" in the Kalima Shahada, what right does anyone have to include it today?  Let us hope all Muslims, layman and scholar alike, leave this most unwelcome behavior.

Read original article here: Why are some Muslims changing the Kalima?

Qasim Rashid is a contributing member of Majlis Sultanul Qalm, USA (MSQ USA) and regularly writes for and various other publications on topics ranging from Islam to human rights. Leave your thoughts and comments, or email Qasim at

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