Sunday, November 14, 2010

UK: Fact finding mission to Pakistan reports on Ahmadiyya human right situation

In March 2010 the Mission released a summary of its conclusions and recommendations. Missing from that summary report were any references to the evidence gathered by the Mission in the course of its visit to Pakistan.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | UK Desk
Source/Credit: ThePersecution.Org
By PHRG | September 24, 2010

Following on from its report on the legal position of Ahmadis in 2007, the Parliamentary Human Rights Group [“PHRG”] dispatched a second fact-finding mission [“the Mission”] to Pakistan from 13th to 22nd February 2010.

The decision to conduct further research was taken in the light of continuing reports of persecutions of members of religious minorities in Pakistan. The four members of the Mission visited Karachi, Faisalabad, Rabwah, Lahore and Islamabad and met members and representatives of the Ahmadiyya, Shia and Christian communities. The Mission also interviewed various state actors, human rights activists and lawyers and took evidence from individuals who alleged to have been victims of persecution because of their religious beliefs.

In March 2010 the Mission released a summary of its conclusions and recommendations. Missing from that summary report were any references to the evidence gathered by the Mission in the course of its visit to Pakistan. This Report aims to fill this gap by expressly linking the findings and the recommendations to the evidence obtained the Mission.

By way of introduction to this Report, two issues deserve mention. Firstly, for a number of years a number of highly respected non-governmental organisations have monitored and campaigned for an improvement of the human rights position of religious minorities in Pakistan, releasing regular reports as well as providing direct assistance to victims. The Mission met representatives of some of these organisations, including the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan and CLAAS, and gratefully acknowledges the assistance and support received from them.

The mission does not seek, nor is it able, to replicate the work of these organisations, which is based on many years of consistent, on the ground, research and involvement. In contrast, this Report focuses on those cases that came to the attention of the Mission in the course of its visit, either through statements made by the representatives of religious communities, or by the victims themselves.

Secondly, shortness of time made it impossible to realise the original objective of the Mission, namely to broaden the scope of the report and to include all religious minorities. Whilst the Mission met representatives of the Shia and Christian communities and was able to gather some evidence, there is no doubt that this task remains incomplete and needs to be addressed again in the future. With respect of the Ahmadiyya community, however, the Mission has been able to form conclusions and to make recommendations which are based on a large body of evidence, in many cases based on published reports and corroborated by the victims themselves.

As a result, this Report focuses on the situation of the Ahmadiyya community.

Read original post here: Fact finding mission to Pakistan reports on Ahmadiyya human right situation

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