Thursday, January 5, 2012

52 years ago: When Billy Graham didn't stand up for Christianity!

Claiming Islām alone is the living religion on earth today through which man can attain salvation is that Christianity was utterly devoid of any heavenly blessing or true guidance for man, the letter said.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | Archives
Source/Credit: Ottawa Citizen
By Archives | March 5, 1960

Graham is challenged to a healing contest

Nairobi, Kenya (AP) – Evangelist Billy Graham was challenged Friday to a healing contest to see whether Christianity is more powerful than Islam.

On his return to Nairobi from Ruanda Urundi on his African tour, Graham was handed a letter from the chief of the Ahmadiyya Moslem mission in East Africa, Moulana Sheikh Mubarik Ahmad.

Claiming Islam alone is the living religion on earth today through which man can attain salvation is that Christianity was utterly devoid of any heavenly blessing or true guidance for man, the letter said:
“I therefore invite you in all humbleness and sincerity for the benefit of the ignorant masses a contest in which we may demonstrate the truth of our respective claims.
“One way of doing this could be to have say 30 incurable certified by the director of Medical services of Kenya, comprising 10 European, 10 Asian, and 1o Africans. These may then be equally divided between you and me by lots.
“We may then be joined by six persons of our respective faiths in prayer to God for the recovery of our respective patients to determine as to who is blessed with the Lord’s grace and mercy and upon whom His door remains closed.
“I am sure you will have no objection to acceding to this proposal, for it exactly accords with the principle laid down by Jesus Christ himself. But in case you decline it will be proved to the world that Islām is the only religion which is capable of establishing man’s relationship with God.”
Graham declined comment and one of his associate said it was doubtful he would make any reply.

Read original post here: When Billy Graham didn't stand up for Christianity!

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