Saturday, January 7, 2012

Ghana: Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission condemns killings in Nigeria

The statement said in truth, Islam demanded belief in all the prophets of Allah who had been sent throughout history for the guidance of mankind.

Maulvi Wahab Adam (File photo)
Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | Int'l Desk
Source/Credit: Ghana Business News
By GNA |  January 6, 2012

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission in Ghana has condemned the attacks on churches, killing and maiming of innocent worshipers in some parts of Nigeria.

A statement signed by the Ameer and Missionary in charge of Mission, Maulvi Dr A. Wahab Adam and copied to the Ghana News Agency on Thursday, said “Islam makes it obligatory for Muslims to protect all places of worship including churches and synagogues.”

“The Holy Quran states categorically that the killing of one person amounts to the killing of the whole of mankind”, it said, adding that “it is in the light of these clear teachings of Islam that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission condemns the killing in Nigeria”.

The statement said such destruction of places of worship and heinous killings “depict Islam as a barbaric religion”.

The statement said in truth, Islam demanded belief in all the prophets of Allah who had been sent throughout history for the guidance of mankind.

It said this belief necessarily committed a Muslim to the reverence of all prophets and therefore the protection of all places of worship and the sanctity of the blood and property of all peoples, irrespective of their religious affiliation.

Source: GNA

Read original post here: Ghana Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission condemns killings in Nigeria

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