Monday, January 23, 2012

USA: Ahmadi Muslims seek to educate Lawmakers about Shariah

“True Islamic teachings, as practiced by the Prophet of Islam, promote a secular government with equal rights and privileges for all citizens and a separation of mosque and state.” [Dr. Nasim Rehmatullah]

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
Via Press release | January 23, 2012

Oldest American-Muslim organization calls for end to fear mongering

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA calls for an end to the growing fear of Islamic Shariah in the United States.  Shariah is not a threat to our nation.  Instead, Shariah is a set of Islamic regulations and guidelines that govern the personal and private beliefs and actions of a Muslim, similar to the Halacha for Jews and Cannon for Christians.  The supposed Shariah practiced in some Muslim-majority countries does not reflect the true Islamic concept of Shariah.

As the leading Islamic organization to endorse a separation of mosque and state, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA clarifies that Shariah, like American law, enshrines freedoms of thought, expression and belief and cannot be imposed on Americans in the United States.

“True Islamic teachings, as practiced by the Prophet of Islam, promote a secular government with equal rights and privileges for all citizens and a separation of mosque and state,” said Dr. Nasim Rehmatullah, Vice President of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, USA.  “Because the laws of the United States are supreme over any and all religious laws, the contention that Shariah may be imposed in our country is utterly absurd.”

The dozens of proposed bills to ban Shariah in the United States are an exaggerated response to a non-existent and manufactured problem.  As our Nation’s oldest American-Muslim organization, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA invites lawmakers at all levels of government to meet Community leaders to better understand Shariah’s role in the life of American Muslims.

For more information contact Harris Zafar, National Spokesperson,

Read original post here: Ahmadi Muslims Seek to Educate Lawmakers about Shariah

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