Friday, December 6, 2013

Islamophobia: 'Oppose Resolution Condemning Ethnic Cleansing In Burma,' says Pamela Geller

Various human rights groups and media outlets, along with groups from the Heritage Foundation to the Brookings Institute, have described the persecution of the Rohingya in Burma as ethnic cleansing.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: LoonWatch / Right Wing Watch
By Brian Tashman | December 6, 2013

Pamela Geller is telling her fellow anti-Muslim activists to convince Congress to reject a resolution “urging the Government of Burma to end the persecution of the Rohingya people and respect internationally recognized human rights for all ethnic and religious minority groups within Burma.”

The Rohingya minority have faced vicious persecution in Burma, but Geller accuses them of “waging jihad in Burma.”

Various human rights groups and media outlets, along with groups from the Heritage Foundation to the Brookings Institute, have described the persecution of the Rohingya in Burma as ethnic cleansing.

But not Geller.

She claims that the Rohingya are to blame for the atrocities against them because of a bombing at a Buddhist shrine in India by the Islamic [sic] extremist Indian Mujahideen, and is demanding activists stop the resolution from turning into a “battering ram to impose Islam on small, defenseless countries.”

Anytime Buddhist monks have to carry guns for self-defense, it’s a good bet that the Religion of Peace is involved.
Muslims are waging jihad in Burma. But the Buddhists aren’t having it. Muslim Brotherhood groups in the US are agitating for UN intervention. Scroll and read Hamas-CAIR’s call for support of US resolution 418 calling for intervention. Please contact your Congressmen and Senators and tell them to VOTE NO on resolution 418. We have seen this before. It led to President Clinton sending US troops to fight for the Bosnian Muslims against the Christian Serbs, leading to the establishment of the first Islamic state in Europe (Kosovo).
Support the Buddhists in Burma. Seriously. Do this. I am in Boston, as our free speech lawsuit is being heard today, but I will be working the phones, and so should you. Burma is 90% Buddhist. These are a peaceful people. The Muslims have brought war to Burma. Bodh Gaya, the holiest site for the Buddhists the world over, was bombed in a series of Islamic terror attacks. Hamas-CAIR must be stopped from using the most powerful government in the world as its battering ram to impose Islam on small, defenseless countries.

Read original post here: Islamophobia: Oppose Resolution Condemning Ethnic Cleansing In Burma, says Pamela Geller

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