Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Perspective: ISIS exposed at House of Lords

The Prophet Muhammad (peace upon him) made agreements with various Christian communities that are binding on all Muslims till the end of time.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: Veterans Day
By John Andrew Morrow with Kevin Barrett
July 21, 2014

Dr. Morrow is bringing the ancient Covenants of the Prophet to the world - at a propitious moment

Dr. John Andrew Morrow is the author/editor/translator of The Covenants of the Prophet Muhammad with the Christians of the World. Based on some of the oldest manuscripts in the history of Islam, this book shows that the Prophet Muhammad (peace upon him) made agreements with various Christian communities that are binding on all Muslims till the end of time. These agreements require Muslims to protect and defend Christians. Today, some self-styled Muslim extremists and obscurantists are persecuting Middle Eastern Christians. This must stop!

According to credible reports, ISIS has killed hundreds if not thousands of Christians in Syria, and is now in Iraq ethnically cleansing Mosul of its ancient Christian community. Yet the US and its allies are not just standing by – they are the ones who created, trained, and funded ISIS and unleashed it on the people of the region!

On Tuesday, June 24th, 2014, Dr. John Andrew Morrow, author of The Covenants of the Prophet Muhammad with the Christians of the World, delivered the following declaration at the House of Lords in the United Kingdom:

I am here to express my solidarity with the people of Iraq.

The Muslim world suffers from a crisis of leadership. The traditional religious and political infrastructure was dismantled by Western colonialists and imperialists as well as internal decay.

A void was created and that void has been filled by those who offer the loudest voice and the biggest bank accounts.

The situation in Syria and Iraq is the product of poor foreign policy.

Western powers have a history of sometimes supporting terrorists abroad and then they expect us to contain them domestically.

Who created ISIS? Who supported ISIS? Who funded, armed, trained, and advised ISIS?

You cannot mobilize 100,000 foreign-backed fighters and mercenaries in Syria and Iraq without the complicity of the surrounding countries and without the support of regional powers.

History is our greatest teacher.

Experience should inform our decisions.

Present decisions impact our future.

Supporting the Mujahidin, in the way we did, gave us al-Qaeda.

Supporting the Syrian rebels, the way we have, gave us al-Nusra and DAISH, this so-called “Islamic” State of Iraq and the Levant.

In their attempt to remove little devils, they replaced them with greater devils.

It’s sad to say, but Libya had more stability under Qaddafi.

It’s sad to say, but Egypt had more order under Mubarak.

It’s sad to say, but Syria was more stable under Assad.

What can we do? What can be done?

1) For starters, pressure Western powers to stop supporting groups, directly or indirectly, that persecute Christians, Shi’ites, Sunnis, and anyone else who opposes them.

2) Help put a halt to religious colonialism. Take steps to prevent outside interference in our religious affairs in the West. Stop the spread of Takfiri-Jihadi preachers and propaganda.

3) Support the dissemination of traditional Islam and by traditional civilizational Islam, I include the Sunnis, the Shi’ites, and the Sufis.

4) Help reconnect Muslims to their spiritual tradition: the Qur’an, the Sunnah, the true Shari’ah, and, most critically, the Covenants of the Prophet Muhammad with the Christians of the World.

The Covenants of the Prophet provide an authentic model for Muslims to follow with real implications. They can’t solve the ISIS crisis. They can, however, help undermine the theological and political foundation of so-called “Islamic” extremism. They can also help galvanize Muslims around foundational primary sources which came straight from the Prophet.

The real army of Islam is not ISIS.

The real army of Islam are those who oppose them while abiding by the Islamic rules governing combat.

Who speaks for Islam?

It certainly isn’t ISIS and other terrorists who slaughter, unarmed men, women, and children; who crucify Christians and who cannibalize corpses.

Who speaks for Islam?


And those who terrorize Muslims and Christians have broken the Covenant of the Prophet, made a mockery of Islam, and merit the malediction of Allah.

Read original post here: ISIS exposed at House of Lords

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