Sunday, December 20, 2015

Sri Lanka: Quran Sinhala Translation gifted to Governor and Chief Minister of Western Province

A copy of the Sinhala Translation of the Holy Qur’an with some other literatureS including Peace Messages in English as well as Sinhala were presented.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | Int'l Desk
Source/Credit: AMJ Sri Lanka
By Press Statement | December 16, 2015

A two member delegation from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at Sri Lanka (AMJSL), comprising Moulavi A.B. Musthaq Ahmad, Chief Missionary – AMJSL and A. Abdul Aziz National Director Faith Outreach – AMJSL, met Honorable. K.C. Logeswaran, Governor of Western Province. Sri Lanka in Colombo on 16th December 2015.

Welcoming the delegation, the Governor showed his attention towards the brief introduction about the Community put forward by Mr. A. Abdul Aziz and showed much interest to know further about Islam – Ahmadiyyath. When the delegation mentioned about the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim leader, His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the Governor implied through his remarks about Baithul Futhuh Mosque and Islamabad in Surrey, that he might have visited these places. That’s why he showed much respect to the Jama’at delegation and he himself arranged for the photographs by the official photographer.

Mr. A. Abdul Aziz, Press Secretary - AMJSL pointed out about the unique feature of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and said that this is the only Community which has spiritual leadership and termed as ““ONE COMMUNITY – ONE LEADER’. Aziz added that the Community’s motto is ’LOVE FOR ALL; HATRED FOR NONE’. Furthermore, the relationship and bondage between the Khalifa of Islam Ahmadiyya and his community and the role of Muslim Television Ahmadiyya was highlighted to the Governor

The Governor was also told about the tireless efforts being made by the Ahmadiyya worldwide leader for spreading the true teachings of Islam through various means, particularly addressing lawmakers at Capitol Hill, EU Parliament, in Ireland Parliament, and recently the Dutch Parliament. He was informed about the gist of His Holiness' address during the recent Dutch Parliament visit.

A copy of the Sinhala Translation of the Holy Qur’an with some other literatureS including Peace Messages in English as well as Sinhala were presented. Moreover, the Sinhala Translation of the book ‘The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam’ written by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad – Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and the Promised Messiah and Imam-al-Mahdi.

Prior to this, the delegation also visited to the Chief Minister’s Office and met Private Secretary to the Chief Minister Mr. Lalith Kannangara who accepted on behalf of CM, the gift of copy of the Sinhala Translation of the Holy Qur’an with some other literatureS including Peace Messages in English as well as Sinhala were presented. Moreover, the Sinhala Translation of the book ‘The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam’ also presented.

On accepting this, Mr. Lalith Kannangara said that he himself was in thirst of Holy Qur’an Sinhala Translation and request for another copy to his own reading. He said, he will read.

 -- A.   Abdul Aziz – Press Secretary.

  -- Sri Lanka: Quran Sinhala Translation gifted to Governor and Chief Minister of Western Province

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