Friday, April 29, 2016

USA: New Orleans Ahmadiyya Muslim community stands against extremism

By coming together with a shared understanding, we can diminish ISIS attempt[s] to create a division in our Western society by showing them that no religion promotes terrorism and that ISIS is simply an organization of radicals, not those following true Islam

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | US Desk
By Marilyn Stewart | April 28, 2016

Finding common ground for peace was the focus of a recent event at Loyola University that brought together local officials with Islamist leaders.

"True Islam and the Extremists," an event in conjunction with a national campaign to promote a "correct" meaning of Islam, was sponsored by the Loyola University Muslim Student Association and the New Orleans Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.

Featured speakers included Jeffery Sallet, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI New Orleans Division; Kenneth Polite, Jr., U. S. Attorney, Eastern District of Louisiana; and Imam Mubasher Ahmed, New Orleans Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.

"The FBI New Orleans Division is proud to stand in partnership with Ahmadiyya Muslim Center, as well as other Louisiana based Muslim communities, and demonstrate a unified presence against all forms of radicalization and terrorism," Sallet said. "Through joint community outreach and one-on-one liaison meetings, we have built a relationship built on trust and communication."

Polite praised the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community for its commitment to promoting peace and fighting terrorism.

"The Department of Justice seeks to protect the civil rights of all residents, regardless of race, gender, and especially religion," Polite said. "We do so in the spirit of a universal concept, one that is shared by all religions and stands as the motto of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community: 'Love for All, and Hatred for None.'"

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community posted 11 principles on its website distinguishing "true Islam" from extremism. The principles identify key tenets of faith, including non-violent jihad, equality of women, "separation of mosque and state," a commitment that no religion can "monopolize salvation," and others.

"Events like these allow us to build community and eradicate fears...By coming together with a shared understanding, we can diminish ISIS attempt[s] to create a division in our Western society by showing them that no religion promotes terrorism and that ISIS is simply an organization of radicals, not those following true Islam," a statement released by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community said.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is unique within Islam in its acceptance of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as the Messiah, whose teachings in the late 19th century emphasized peace, love, justice and sanctity of life. Ahmad, the author of dozens of books, declared that the "jihad by the sword" had no place in Islam, but instead advocated defending Islam through a "jihad of the pen."

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Center, 2113 38th St., Kenner, serves as a mosque and a cultural, social and religious center. The free event was attended by a crowd of about 70.

Marilyn Stewart writes about people and events of the faith community in Orleans Parish. Send information three weeks in advance to

Read original post here: USA: New Orleans Ahmadiyya Muslim community stands against extremism 

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