Tuesday, April 19, 2016

USA: True Islam Campaign by Ahmadiyya Muslims Moves to UC Irvine Tonight

The group's True Islam campaign started days after the Dec. 2 San Bernardino tragedy. The aim is to challenge Muslims and non-Muslims alike to actively counter ISIS propaganda in the interest of safeguarding U.S. national security

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | US desk
Source/Credit: OC Weekly
By Matt Coker | April 19, 2016

In February we told you about the True Islam campaign's presence at Cypress College.

That presence is spreading to Irvine.

Tonight at 7, the UC Irvine Ahmadiyya Muslim Students Association hosts a conversation with Amjad Mahmood Khan, lawyer, law professor and national director of Public Affairs with the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA.

Khan "will contrast the life, teachings and example of Prophet Muhammad with the perverse ideology of violent extremists like ISIS," according to an email from Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA.

The group's True Islam campaign started days after the Dec. 2 San Bernardino tragedy. The aim is to challenge Muslims and non-Muslims alike to actively counter ISIS propaganda in the interest of safeguarding U.S. national security, according to Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA.

Founded in 1889, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a reformist movement within Islam that spans more than 200 countries with membership exceeding tens of millions. Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA, established in 1920, is among the first American-Muslim organizations.

Tonight's event will be in the UCI Student Center, Moss Grove A.

Follow Matt  Coker on Twitter: @matthewtcoker

Read original post here: USA: True Islam Campaign Moves to UC Irvine Tonight

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