Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Ireland Ahmadiyya Muslim Community condemns terrorist attack in Orlando.

Imam Ibrahim Ahmad Noonan and Imam Rabib Ahmed Mirza, of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Ireland, offered condolences and prayers for the victims and their families.

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | UK Desk
Source/Credit: The Irish Times
By Staff report | June 13, 2016

A statement issued by two Imams from the Galway's Maryam Mosque condemned the terrorist attack that left 49 dead and 53 injured at a night club in Orlando, Florida, in the United States.

Imam Ibrahim Ahmad Noonan and Imam Rabib Ahmed Mirza, of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Ireland, offered condolences and prayers for the victims and their families.

The following statement was published in The Irish Times.

An atrocity in Orlando

Sir, – The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Ireland categorically condemns the horrific attack in Orlando.
This is a tragic loss of human life. The Quran teaches us to save lives, not take them away. Reverence for all human life is the essence of Islamic teaching. This is a time for prayers and efforts to stop such senseless violence in the world.
We pray for the speedy recovery of the injured and offer our deepest condolences to the families and friends of the victims. – Yours, etc,

Imam Ibrahim Ahmad Noonan
Imam Rabib Ahmed Mirza,

Ahmadiyya Muslim Association,
Galway Mosque.

-- Ireland Ahmadiyya Muslim Community categorically condemns terrorist attack in Orlando.

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