Monday, June 20, 2016

Perspective: Tragedy in Orlando | Adil Khan

Contrast this to the actions of Mateen: The Holy Qur’an teaches that killing a person is tantamount to killing all of the mankind and that saving a life amounts to saving the life of all of the mankind (5:33).

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: Beleif.Net
By Adil Khan | June 19, 2016

I completely condemn the attack in Orlando this past weekend, as it fundamentally goes against the teachings of the religion of Islam.

If I were on the scene of these attacks, then, God Willing, I would have helped the wounded, carrying them to safety, and calling 911, after I had performed first aid to the best of my abilities. Contrary to what you may think, I am taught this by my religion.

I am a devout Ahmadi Muslim, and I strictly adhere to my beliefs. The founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, taught that “It is our principle to have sympathy for the whole of mankind. If a person sees that fire has broken out in the house of a Hindu neighbor and he does not get up to help put it out, I tell you truly that he is not of me. If one of my followers sees a Christian being killed and he does not go to rescue him, I tell you very truly that he is not of us” (Siraj-e-Muneer, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 12, p.28). Hazrat Ahmad, a true follower and servant of the Holy Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him), even taught that if he and his companions should somehow see another companion of theirs lying drunk in the street, then they would pick him up and take him home. The fact that I strongly disagree with the practices of the victims of the Orlando shooting is of no consequence. My religion is of peace, love, and harmony. I, as an Ahmadi Muslim who believes in peace, and I am not scared to place my life in danger to help my fellow man.

Contrast this to the actions of Mateen: The Holy Qur’an teaches that killing a person is tantamount to killing all of the mankind and that saving a life amounts to saving the life of all of the mankind (5:33). Mateen’s own parents said that he was not religious nor was he regular in prayer. He visited the same nightclub of the shooting a dozen times and would get drunk. Who is following True Islam?

I am currently humbly serving as the local secretary of Humanitarian Affairs of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association, Baltimore branch. Every month we organize an event to feed the homeless and hungry in the city. Together with Our Daily Bread of Catholic Charities of Maryland, we have been serving those in need without noticing if they announce themselves to be homosexual or not. All we see are hungry people.

His Holiness, Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the spiritual head of my community said in an interview in Sweden that, “I feel pain for everyone. I do not hate a single person. If I do not like a certain thing, then it is only an action of a person, not that person himself” (Daily Al Fazl (Urdu), June 8th).

All I can say is that the whole world is in need of the words and guidance of His Holiness. We invite everyone into our mosques and feel pain for the grieving. Now 50 people have been killed.  The pain that I feel from this is agonizing.

Read original post here: Perspective: Tragedy in Orlando | Adil Khan

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