Friday, June 24, 2016

The Gambia: Tahir Ahmadiyya Muslim Senior Secondary School Graduates 128 Students

The school principal also commended the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jaamat both in The Gambia and Pakistan for their immense support.

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | UK Desk
Source/Credit: Daily Observor 
By Salifu M. Touray | June 23, 2016

Tahir Ahmadiyya Muslim Senior Secondary School in Mansakonko recently held its speech and prize giving ceremony at a ceremony held at the school ground in Mansakonko, Lower River Region. The event saw the graduation of 128 students in the 2015/16 academic year.

Abubacarr Nyabally, the Principal of the School in his speech highlighted the 2015/16 academic year report as well as other developments undertaken by his school since its establishment in 1983.

“Our overall student performance in areas of studies especially in core subjects like English language and Commerce plus other academic discipline is on the increase and that we will continue to do our level best to make and ensure that our students’ performance in other areas like Mathematics and Chemistry subjects are also improved,” he said.

He advised the outgoing students to be law abiding and respect their parents as well as to seek for advice on their future career path.

Nyabally thanked the School’s Board of Governors, the communities and the Region Four Educational Directorate in Mansakonko for the trust and support given to his school.

He lauded the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education for donating computers as well as Humanity First for providing a water facility for the school.

The school principal also commended the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jaamat both in The Gambia and Pakistan for their immense support.

“I must acknowledge that all of them have in one way or the other contributed towards the development of the school both in terms of academics and other infrastructural development,” he added.

In his keynote address, Alhagie Momodou Jallow, a retired civil servant, who is the guest speaker of the occasion, underscored that without education and discipline the future could be challenging for any one.

“Education has the potential to make everyone with discipline to become productive and become useful members of society who will contribute immensely towards the socio-economic development of her country. Education is as old as humanity and that modern society cannot survive in the absent of an educated society,” he stated.

Jallow further described education as a process of acquiring knowledge, skill habits, values and attitude and that it can be obtained in schools and outside the classroom like the media and in libraries.

He reminded the outgoing students that they have just completed the first phase in their journey, noting that the next phase can be a challenge for them, but with dedication and hard work the future would be bright.

Amadou Jobarteh, an outgoing student, on behalf of his colleagues, expressed appreciation and thanks to the school administration for guiding them throughout their three-year stint as students of the school.

The event, which attracted parents, staff of the school and a cross-section of the community, was characterised with a presentation of awards to deserving outgoing students and teachers amongst others.

by Salifu M. Touray in LRR

Read original post here: The Gambia: Tahir Ahmadiyya Muslim Senior Secondary School Graduates 128 Students

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