Friday, July 8, 2016

Australia: Ahmadiyya Muslims call for peace at Eid al-Fitr

'Terrorism is not aligned with the true teachings of the Quran, and that the vast majority of terrorism victims worldwide are Muslims.'

Times of Ahmad | News Watch |
Source/Credit: Blacktown Sun
By Harrison Vesey | July 7, 2016

Muslim leaders are calling on Australians of all beliefs to unite against the common enemy of terrorism and religious extremism.

Hundreds of men, women and children attended Baitul Huda Mosque, Marsden Park, yesterday for Eid al-Fitr.

The important religious holiday celebrates the end of the holy month of Ramadan, during which Muslims fast between sunrise and sunset in order to humble themselves and be spiritually renewed.

Imam Kauser delivered a message to be grateful for the bounties of God and struggle in his way.

“Give peace to others so you may have peace in your life,” Imam Kauser said.

Baitul Huda is a Mosque run by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association of Australia. Ahmadiyya is an Islamic sect founded in the late 19th century.

Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth national president Waqas Ahmed said their core belief of ‘love for all, hatred for none’ is far removed from the perception of many outside the Islam faith.

“Anti-Islam or anti-Muslim has become the new fashion in worldwide politics,” Mr Ahmed said.

“It undermines the great contribution Muslim communities have made to many countries.

“We have lived here [Australia] peacefully since 1901.”

Mr Ahmed moved to Penrith from Pakistan in 1995.

He said he has found Australians to be peaceful and accepting, and in turn his family strives to give back to the community.

Mr Ahmed said separation of church and state, and freedom of religion and opinion, are part of what makes Australia great.

He would like to see more critics of Islam sit down with Muslims and explore the religion for themselves.

“All our mosques are open to the public,” Mr Ahmed said.

“We invite anyone to have a dialogue with us and clear any misunderstandings.

“Pauline Hanson is welcome to visit our beautiful mosque in Queensland.”

Mr Ahmed said terrorism is not aligned with the true teachings of the Quran, and that the vast majority of terrorism victims worldwide are Muslims.

“Jihad with the sword is no longer. Now we can only do jihad with the pen.

“Extremism is our common enemy. We are united against it.”

Read original post here: Ahmadiyya Muslims call for peace at Eid al-Fitr

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