Monday, July 4, 2016

UK: Ahmadiyya Youth gets special award for helping in Storm Desmond floods

'It was a chance to say thank you to all those who helped and give special recognition to 14 winners, selected from over 250 nominations.'

Photo: Time & Star
Times of Ahmad | News Watch | UK Desk
Source/Credit: Time & Star
By Time & Star | July 4, 2016

Storm Desmond was a disaster nobody in Cumbria will ever forget, bringing unprecedented floods that left homes and businesses underwater, and roads and bridges destroyed.

But it is thanks to an incredible spirit - the Spirit of Cumbria - that communities are now bouncing back stronger, with some of the county's most inspirational people leading the way.

CN Group's Spirit of Cumbria Awards 2016 aimed to recognise the county's flood heroes - those who went above and beyond to help their neighbours, communities and often complete strangers.

Held on Friday night at Garden at Eden, near Carlisle, it was a chance to say thank you to all those who helped and give special recognition to 14 winners, selected from over 250 nominations.

Some saved lives, others rallied round to help their communities and the flood victims whose lives were in turmoil.

The ceremony also recognised emergency service workers - including police officers, firefighters, mountain rescue, lifeboat workers and military personnel - who went above and beyond the call of duty, and paid tribute to council workers and others who worked around the clock to get the county back on its feet as quickly as possible.

A special award also went to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association UK, which sent hundreds of volunteers to the county, together doing whatever was needed to help victims of the floods.

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Read original post here: UK: Tributes paid to Storm Desmond heroes

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