Thursday, August 25, 2016

Australia: Ahmadiyya community volunteers plant hundreds of trees

“So when he gave directions about conserving the environment, being beneficial to nature and animals as well, not just other humans, we eagerly try to act upon the teaching."

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | AU Desk
Source/Credit: Jimboomba Times
By Christine Rossouw | Aug 15, 2016

IN a single day the tree population to three sites in the region were grown significantly by the dedicated efforts of the local Ahmadiyya community.

July 31 was Australia’s National Tree Day.

A total of 66 volunteers from the Ahmadi community planted 765 trees at Paradide Road in Forsetdale, Outlook Drive in Mount Gravatt and Manitsky Park on Tamborine Mountain.

Bait-ul-Masroor Mosque in Stockleigh’s media co-ordinator Zain Al-Abideen said the tree planting effort came from a fundamental principal entrenched in the Ahmadiyya community to be the best in conduct and at the forefront in providing benefit to nature and mankind.

“Prophet Muhammad taught that love of one's country of residence is part of one's faith, and all Ahmadis worldwide, in whichever country they reside, are loyal to their country of residence,” he said.

“So when he gave directions about conserving the environment, being beneficial to nature and animals as well, not just other humans, we eagerly try to act upon the teaching.

“He has been famously quoted that whoever plants a tree, takes care of it until it matures, and bears fruit, is rewarded.

“In light of this teaching, Ahmadiyya Muslims in every country in the world, partake in tree planting activities with enthusiasm.”

National Tree Day started in 1996 and since then more than 3 million people have planted 23 million seedlings across the country.

Read original post here: Ahmadiyya community plants hundreds of trees

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