Friday, August 12, 2016

UK: Ahmadiyya Muslims ready for golden celebration in Alton

“Many have fled persecution in other countries and together they will re-affirm their pledge to follow the true teachings of Islam – that are teachings of peace – and to counter all forms of extremism and intolerance."

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | UK Desk
Source/Credit: Petersfield Herald
By Petersfield Herald | August 11, 2016

The golden jubilee of Britain’s biggest annual Islamic gathering will take place at East Worldham, near Alton, this weekend when more than 30,000 Muslims from all over the world are expected to attend the convention.

They will pay tribute to Britain for the freedom it gives its citizens and see delegates pledge loyalty to their nation as a fundamental part of their faith.

The worldwide head – or Caliph – of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community, His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, will lead the three-day Jalsa Salana with a rallying call to members to serve the country they live in and to work for peace at every level of society.

All delegates will take a pledge, as they have done every year, reaffirming their loyalty to their country of residence.

This year’s Jalsa Salana is special as it marks the 50th anniversary of the spiritual convention. It runs from today until Friday.

A tented village, rows upon rows of stalls, fluttering flags, tens of thousands of people and an organised programme of events provide all the hallmarks of a country festival but its focus on faith and fraternity and the sheer scale of the convention sets this apart from all other gatherings.

The Jalsa Salana of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community is an extraordinary event and it marks more than 100 years of the community in Britain and tells the story of people in exile persecuted in lands where extremists hold sway.

The convention comes at a time when there is growing unrest in the Muslim world and the fear of extremism is escalating.

His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: “Islam enshrines the principles of universal religious freedom and freedom of conscience. Faith is, and always will be, a matter of the heart and so there should never be any form of compulsion in religion.

“Every Ahmadi Muslim, no matter where he lives, is loyal to his country. Indeed, we pledge that we will never partake in any action through which our loyalty to our country could be questioned.

“As part of this loyalty we pray that may God release our nations from the clutches of the oppressive people.”

Rafiq Hayat, president of the UK?Ahmadiyya Muslim community, said: “The 30,000-plus people from more than 90 countries gathering at the convention come in the spirit of fraternity – and to give thanks for the security and freedom they have found in Britain.

“Many have fled persecution in other countries and together they will re-affirm their pledge to follow the true teachings of Islam – that are teachings of peace – and to counter all forms of extremism and intolerance.

“We have much to be grateful for in Britain which has allowed our community to prosper and contribute to British life for more than 100 years. We count ourselves proud to call ourselves British Ahmadi Muslims.”

The Ahmadiyya Muslims have special reason to be grateful – their enlightened and tolerant thinking has made them bitter enemies of firebrand clerics hell bent on using religion to incite hatred and violence.

Despite severe persecution abroad, Ahmadiyya Muslims are flourishing in Britain and many other parts of the world, so the annual convention will be a chance for them to give thanks for the freedom to worship they have here in the UK.

One of the many exhibitions will highlight the persecution the community faces in countries where extremist Muslim clergy preach hatred, particularly Pakistan where hundreds of Ahmadi Muslims have been murdered.

Rafiq Hayat added: “Despite persecution, the abiding message of our community is love for all, hatred for none.

“Despite the efforts of extremists, our message of peace has prevailed and we continue to counter hatred, terror and prejudice with strength of faith and purpose. When we say Islam means peace, we practice it by example in our everyday lives and through our contribution to the well-being of the nation.

“As the world rallies against the onslaught of extremists, the example of our community demonstrates that peace will always find a way to triumph over adversity.”

Ahmadi Muslims are active in their communities; they raise hundreds of thousands of pounds for charities each year and have their own charity, Humanity First, that is serving humanity locally as well as in all parts of the world irrespective of colour, race or religion.

Ahmadi Muslims are the pioneers of interfaith dialogue. In 2003 they opened the largest purpose built mosque in western Europe in Morden, Surrey, which can accommodate more than 13,000 people. The community also built the first mosque in London in 1924

Read original post here: UK: Ahmadiyya Muslims ready for golden celebration

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