Saturday, August 27, 2016

USA: Ahmadi Muslim Scientists host "Quran and Science Symposium” today

"We welcome all lovers of science and religion to participate in this event and explore the interconnectedness of universe and faith."

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: AMC USA
By Web desk | August 18, 2016

The Association of Ahmadi Muslim Scientists will host the “4th Annual Quran and Science Symposium” on Saturday, August 27th in Baitur Rahman mosque in Silver Spring, MD.

The symposium features talks by leading Muslim scientists highlighting how the Quran enlightens their scientific perspective and fuels their research. Key presentations include topics such as gene editing, cybersecurity, molecular biology, and organic chemistry.

“This is an important event to show that there is no struggle between faith and science,” said Dr. Nasim Rehmatullah, Senior Vice President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA. “On the contrary, we welcome all lovers of science and religion to participate in this event and explore the interconnectedness of universe and faith.”

More information on the program and how to participate can be found at

Read original post here: USA: Ahmadi Muslim Scientists host "Quran and Science Symposium” today

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