Saturday, August 6, 2016

USA: Chino Imam Speaks at Church of Scientology's Forum on Religious Tolerance

Imam Zafarullah explained that it was the Holy Prophet of Islam who first established the rights of women in the society as well as the first leader to clearly state human rights

Times of Ahmad | News Watch |
Source/Credit: Baitul Hameed Mosque
By Jameel Mohamed | August 4, 2016

On Wednesday, August 3rd, Imam Mohammed Zafarullah of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of the South West Region, delivered a lecture sponsored by the Church of Scientology entitled Forum on Religious Tolerance. Five other members from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community accompanied him.

In his lecture, Imam Zafarullah explained the beliefs of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community which differ in principles to a certain degree, with the other major religious sects of Sunnism and Shiasm. He explained that all Muslims follow the same unchangeable Quran and Traditions of the Prophet, performing the same prayer, pilgrimage etc, however, difference occur in understanding and interpretation of the Islamic scriptures. He explained the need for the Messiah and Mehdi as foretold in the scriptures and how that need was fulfilled by the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.

Imam Zafarullah, who was the first of four guest speakers to deliver an address, explained that it was the Holy Prophet of Islam who first established the rights of women in the society as well as the first leader to clearly state human rights of which after 1400 years, people are still struggling to establish and practice.

During a question and answer session, Imam was very vocal in clarifying what justice means, likening it to the way a mother treats her children even though she might tend to favor one or two over the others. It is that compelling feeling of being equitable; keeping in mind moral rightness is what justice is all about. When asked about the meaning of the moon and star Islamic symbol, Imam explained that this symbol has no direct connection to Islam but just found its way into representing it. In fact, this symbol predates Islam. Imam Mohammad Zafarullah went on to clarify many other misunderstandings associated with Islam, much to the delight of the crowd who gave a standing ovation to all the speakers in the end.

-- USA: Chino Imam Speaks at Church of Scientology's Forum on Religious Tolerance

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