Saturday, October 22, 2016

Australia: Adelaide South Ahmadiyyas organize Holy Quran Exhibition at Flinders University

The event attracted interest from every aspect of the University with more than 225 guests attending. Students and teachers alike attended the exhibition with great interest.

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | UK Desk
Source/Credit: AMJ Australia
By Mirza Saleem Shaukat | October 21, 2016

A Quran Exhibition was organized at the Flinders University Oasis Hall on the October 19, 2016, to educate the youth about the true teachings of the Holy Quran.

The event was inaugurated by the Vice Chancellor, Professor Clare Pollock at 9am with the following words:

“First of all I would like to acknowledge the Ahmadiyya Muslim Student Association for holding this Exhibition. It shows a lot of multiculturalism for our community and it’s great to see the involvement of the AMSA members working hard in our university’s environment.”

On behalf of the Mr. Steve Georganas MP, the House of Representatives for Hindmarsh, South Australia a representative attend the exhibition. He also encourages Ahmadiyya Muslim effort in spreading the real teachings of Islam.

The event attracted interest from every aspect of the University with more than 225 guests attending. Students and teachers alike attended the exhibition with great interest.

The exhibition displayed the Holy Quran translated in 35 different languages, posters on the history of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Australia, along with a variety of verses from the Holy Quran displayed beautifully in the form of art works and calligraphy, hand made by the members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association.

A variety of books on Islam were also available with a separate multimedia stall to provide access to the Holy Quran online.

Three separate presentations were conducted in the busiest hours of the exhibition.

Adopted with slight changes from files by Mirza Saleem Shaukat, Sec. Faith Outreach, Adelaide South

-- Australia: Adelaide South Ahmadiyyas organize Holy Quran Exhibition at Flinders University

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