Thursday, October 13, 2016

Australia: Hundreds celebrate Fiji Day hosted by Ahmadiyya Muslims

The celebrations featured speeches by Afhseen Hussein, 8, Nazahah Hussain, 10, and Rizwan Sharif, 14, and a poem in Urdu by Parvarish Hussain.

Pictures: Justin Sanson / Rouse Hill Times
Times of Ahmad | News Watch | AU Desk
Source/Credit: Rouse Hill Times / Daily Telegraph
By Lawrence Machado | October 13, 2016

More than 700 guests, including several dignitaries, enjoyed the first Fiji Day celebrated by the Ahmadiyya Muslim community at their Bait ul Huda Mosque in Marsden Park on Sunday, October 9.

The function included the singing of the Fijian national anthem by the children’s choir and prayers by Inamul Haq Kauser, the national president of the Ahmadiyya Community Australia.

Fiji High Commissioner Yogesh Punka made the keynote address before the guests including Consul General Zarak Khan, Greenway federal Labor MP Michelle Rowland, Rivertone state Liberal MP Kevin Conolly, Londonderry state Labor MP Prue Car, Prospect state Labor MP Dr High McDermott and Blacktown mayor Stephen Bali.

Mr Punja spoke about the progress made by Fiji in the recent years and requested those present to visit Fiji more often.

The celebrations featured speeches by Afhseen Hussein, 8, Nazahah Hussain, 10, and Rizwan Sharif, 14, and a poem in Urdu by Parvarish Hussain.

Guests also enjoyed lunch and friendly games of football and volleyball.

“This event was organised by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Australia for the first time, and due to its success and demand, is already planned to become an annual event,” the community’s spokesman Mirza Ramzan Sharif said.

Read original post here: Australia: Hundreds celebrate Fiji Day hosted by Ahmadiyya Muslims

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