Saturday, October 8, 2016

Canada: Ahmadiyya Caliph criticizes ‘extremist mullahs’

'There is no commandment that advocates suicide bombing, killing of people, committing brutality or heinous acts against fellow human beings.'

Photo via Twitter @JalsaCanada
Times of Ahmad | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: The Star
By Hina Alam | October 7, 2016

The true teaching of Islam has been misinterpreted by clerics, says the leader of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the Caliph of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community had harsh words for those who commit and perpetuate cruelties in the name of Islam.

“These clerics or so called extremist mullahs — they have really misconstrued the true teachings of the Holy Qur’an and most of the Muslims are just ignorant of the true teachings,” said the Caliph, addressing a press conference on Friday at the International Centre in Mississauga.

There is no commandment that advocates suicide bombing, killing of people, committing brutality or heinous acts against fellow human beings, he said.

“If Muslims follow the true teaching of Islam or if they follow the true teaching of the Holy Qur’an, they can change themselves,” the Caliph added. “First thing is to reform the clerics… I don’t know where people get this message from…”

Members of the Ahmadiyya sect face persecution in some countries, including from other Muslims, some of whom believe Ahmadis are heretics.

The main message of Islam is to do good to God and other people, the Caliph added.

The message love for all, hatred for none is the cornerstone of Ahmadiyya teachings, and has never held more importance than in this day and age, he said. The atrocities committed by a small minority of Muslims — have unfortunately become the public face of Islam, he said.

One of the ways to combat terrorism is to preach the true teaching of Islam, the Caliph said.

“It is a slow process,” he said. “But one day, ultimately, we shall win the hearts of people and then brutalities will be stopped.”

Earlier in the afternoon, the Caliph gave a sermon where a 25,000-strong crowd of believers recharged their spiritual batteries.

Sprinkled with anecdotes and stories, the Caliph told his flock that harming anyone is haram (forbidden); before doing something ask whether this will make Allah happy; and urged them to be kind to their fellow human beings, whatever their faith.

The Caliph inaugurated the three-day, 40th annual convention of the Ahmadiyya Muslims, which is expected to be attended by thousands of believers, according to the organizers. As part of his six-week trip, he will also be visiting Ottawa, and meeting with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Read original post here: Canada: Ahmadiyya Caliph criticizes ‘extremist mullahs’

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