Saturday, October 22, 2016

Canada: Islamic Caliph is coming to Lloyd

Members of his community are constantly trying to promote love and peace in every society by holding interfaith events, promoting dialogue, organizing charity events and participating in local community events such as Canada Day celebrations. 

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: The Meridian Booster 
By Tariq Azeem | October 21, 2016

'It is an honour for Ahmadiyya Muslim Community to be hosting the caliph'

Many Canadians may have heard about the arrival of head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad arrived in Toronto on October 3rd and he will be staying In Ontario for about 4 weeks. During this time, he will be meeting with members of the community, inaugurating mosques and meeting with many well known figures of the nation.

In November, he will be visiting Saskatchewan and Alberta. It is a great fortune of Ahmadiyya Muslim chapter of Lloydminster, that the caliph of will be visiting our town as well. For those who may not know our community or the caliph, this information will be useful.

What is Ahmadiyya Muslim Community?

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a revival movement within Islam. Prophet Muhammad prophesied that a time will come when Muslims will go away from the core teachings of the faith - then a Messiah would be appointed by God to reform mankind and unite them. Ahmadiyya Muslim Community believes that this promised messiah has appeared. Members of this community are constantly trying to promote love and peace in every society by holding interfaith events, promoting dialogue, organizing charity events and participating in local community events such as Canada Day celebrations.

Who is the Caliph?

The Caliph or head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a leading figure in the world who is striving to promote peace. After the “promised messiah” his successors have continued his mission of reforming mankind and uniting humanity. Currently, the 5th successor or Caliph leads the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and guides its members to be beneficial members of every society - those who strive to establish peace and harmony in every society. Besides addressing the members of the community, the Caliph has delivered keynote addresses to many politicians at the Capitol Hill in Washington, European Union Parliament in Brussels, Parliament Hill in Ottawa and many other such locations.

His Holiness guides everyone that how the basic value of justice taught in the Holy Quran is essential for success. He has delivered speeches on how we can tackle present day challenges, for example ISIS and radicalization.

Thus, it is an honour for Ahmadiyya Muslim Community to be hosting the caliph. He will be sharing his wisdom with us in a reception organized in his honour in Lloydminster. Many locals will have a chance to be part of this historic moment.

To find out more about his visit to Lloydminster, please email

Read original post here: Islamic Caliph is coming to Lloyd

This content-post is archived for backup and to keep archived records of any news Islam Ahmadiyya. The views expressed by the author and source of this news archive do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of Times of Ahmad. Times of Ahmad is not an organ of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community, nor in any way associated with any of the community's official websites.

1 comment:

  1. Alhumdo Lillah that the Caliph will be spending 4 weeks in Canada. Already the Canadian Prime Minister, the parliamentarians and while if Canada honored hom high rated State protocol. It us an immense for all Ahmadi Muslims all over workd as we watched live televised coverage as well as Facebook and,Yiu Tube live streaming. It is truly historical and hugely inspiring for all.


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