Wednesday, October 12, 2016

USA: Princeton scholar's observation on immegration takes Twitter by storm

"The political environment being what it is, I thought this was an interesting point to get across. America has benefited in the past from its open polices and it would be a mistake to reverse that."

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: PRI's The World
By Jared Goyette | October 11, 2016

"Six people living in the US have won the prize in the sciences this year, and all six are immigrants."

One of the six US immigrant Nobel winners is 'totally speechless' over the push to limit immigration

Princeton economist Atif Mian only tweets a few times a month, and most if it is the kind of dry policy stuff you'd expect from a man whose area of specialization is finance and debt, mixed with the occasional foray into politics.

It's smart, but not necessarily viral material.

He hit Twitter gold this week, though, when he made a simple observation about the recent Nobel Laureates that resonated far and wide: Six people living in the US have won the prize in the sciences this year, and all six are immigrants.

"The political environment being what it is, I thought this was an interesting point to get across. America has benefited in the past from its open polices and it would be a mistake to reverse that," he said.

The Hill has a good roundup of all six winners. The prize in physics was awarded to three immigrants from the UK: David Thouless of Yale University, Michael Kosterlitz of Brown University, and Duncan Haldane of Princeton University. The prize for economics went to Oliver Hart of Harvard University, British, and Bengt Holmström of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, originally from Finland.

Many of these six laureates have become US citizens, but PRI wasn't able to reach all six to independently verify their immigration status. For Mian, the important thing to note is that they all do their research in the US, and that they teach and train students here.

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