Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Ghana: Moral decadence, bane to national development, says Ahmadiyya youth group

A nation could not be reformed without the reformation of its youth and stressed that, it was imperative for the youth to be given the necessary opportunities and training in order to bring the desired change.

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | UK Desk
Source/Credit: Ghana Business News
By GNA | April 18, 2017

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Movement has called on religious, political and societal leaders to make the conscious effort to weed out the increasing spate of indiscipline among the youth in the country.

It said the collapse of the moral fibre of the society in recent times, must be a concern for all as it poses a threat to the future and development of the country.

The movement said moral decadence was worse than a complex and serious disease with devastating consequences and should be prevented from being functional in the society.

Mr Nasir Ahmad Bonsu,the National President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association (Majlis Khudam-ul-Ahmadiyya), in Ghana, said these at the 36th annual rally of the Central-West Region.

The three-day annual rally which was on the theme:”Mobilising for Ghana’s future, the role of the Ahmadi youth”, was aimed at working towards improving the spirituality, moral, social and physical development of members to increase their faith in Allah.

Mr Bonsu said crimes such as corruption, alcoholism, prostitution, murder and other vices like laziness, the quest to become rich overnight among others, which persisted in the society were inimical to our development.

“Moral degradation has destroyed individuals, families, dynasties and nations alike from within. It starts slowly with seemingly harmless choices by some individuals and spreads like an epidemic affecting the whole society,” he said.

He said mobilizing for Ghana’s future must entail mobilizing for high moral values among the youth while they were made to realise the need to be morally upright and eschew all forms of negative practices.

Mr Bonsu noted with regret that the ‘secular society’, in the name of freedom of choice was unwilling to condemn the spread of moral degradation in the society.

He said a nation could not be reformed without the reformation of its youth and stressed that, it was imperative for the youth to be given the necessary opportunities and training in order to bring the desired change.

Mr Bonsu bemoaned what he described as “utter disregard to authority” citing the activities of the Delta Forces, Invincible Forces and other vigilante groups.

He said there is the need to imbibe in the youth the spirit of total submission to authority.

“Today in Ghana, there seem to be utter disregard for authority. Hooliganism, disorderliness, rebellion, lawlessness and disrespect for the elderly is almost eating up the structures in our homes, offices, families and society at large,” he said.

He urged the Muslim youth to eschew all negative tendencies, sacrifice themselves towards the growth of the society, be selfless and role models to be able to contribute meaningfully to the development of the country.

Mr Dawood Aboagye, the Presiding Member of Assin South District Assembly, speaking as the Guest of Honour, admonished the youth to endeavor to contribute their quota towards the development of the country irrespective of their religion, culture and political affiliations.

He said rendering such services, which contributed to the faith of a believer, would go a long way to entice other people to join Islam Ahmadiyyat.

Mr Aboagye urged the youth to bring to bear the knowledge and skills acquired as followers of the Holy Prophet Mohammed in their lives to embrace peace and tranquility to ensure sanity the society.

As part of this year’s rally, the movement earlier donated 19 pants of blood to the Mankessim Catholic Hospital.

Source: GNA

Read original post here: Ghana: Moral decadence, bane to national development, says Ahmadiyya youth group

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