Tuesday, April 18, 2017

UK: Local Ahmadiyya Muslim Community holds event on 'true' teaching of Islam at Wandsworth Civic Suite

''I want to tell all my fellow citizens in London that there is no justification in any religion for such heinous acts and there is no form of terrorism allowed in Islam."

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: Your Local Guardian
By Grainne Cuffe | April 18, 2017

Wandsworth Muslims are holding an event to create awareness about "Islam’s true teachings" following terror attacks in London.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is holding the event, "The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and his teachings", today (April 18) and it includes an open exhibition on Islam.

Imran Ahmad Khalid, an Imam and the event organiser said: "Unfortunately all kinds of atrocities are being committed in the name of Islam.

"Those who carry out attacks against innocent people are acting against the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him). They are misusing the name of Islam, which literally means 'Peace'.

''I want to tell all my fellow citizens in London that there is no justification in any religion for such heinous acts and there is no form of terrorism allowed in Islam.

"The Unfortunate result of the cruel acts of hatred is that some people have started showing hatred against Muslims around the World, which is not right.

"We need to come together and build bridges and have a better understanding."

An open exhibition will be running at the Wandsworth Civic Suite from 11:30 till 16:30, which is open to all.

There will also be a formal event at 18:00 where attendees will get to ask questions about Islam and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to a panel of experts.

Grainne Cuffe / Twitter:  @grainne_cuffe

Read original post here: UK: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community holds event on 'true' teaching of Islam at Wandsworth Civic Suite

This content-post is archived for backup and to keep archived records of any news Islam Ahmadiyya. The views expressed by the author and source of this news archive do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of Times of Ahmad. Times of Ahmad is not an organ of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community, nor in any way associated with any of the community's official websites.


  1. I stand by that, that the killing of one human is the killing of all of humanity hence Islam is the tool and teaching this world needs to accomplish righteousness and moderation

  2. Islam is a religion which itself means "peace ", but unfortunately every cruel act is happening under the name of Islam. Islamic teachings never promote violence, may Allah help peoples to understand it.


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