Friday, May 26, 2017

USA: Ahmadi Muslim women comment on current affairs -- 'pray for those misguided souls'

“[T]hose who seek to justify their hateful acts in the name of Islam are serving only to defame it in the worst possible way.”

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: My Statesman
By Nadia Ahmad, Tuba Khurshid | May 25, 2017

With Ramadan on the horizon, the Muslims worldwide must be prepping to welcome this blessed month by resolving more towards spiritual elevation.

But it is extremely distressing to see the atrocities committed by groups like ISIS which puts us Muslims in the media spotlight the most horrible way possible. Instead of preparing for the coming of this sacred month by accelerating in doing good works, showing forbearance, and giving charity, these so-called followers of Islam continue to disgrace themselves and the faith professed by more than a billion people worldwide.

The Holy Prophet Muhammad counted the “killing of a soul” among the four “major sins.” Sadly, groups like ISIS are completely oblivious to the authentic teaching of Islam, which promotes peace. This Ramadan, I resolve to pray for those misguided souls who have utterly mistaken the true meaning of Jihad, which means struggle for self-reformation to better one’s self. Amen.


Re: May 24 article, “Britain raises terror threat to highest level.”

Islamic State takes the responsibility for the attack in Manchester which continues to support the fact that this group is atrocious and inhumane. Therefore, its association with a religion will be considered offensive. As Ahmadi Muslims, we condemn extremism and terrorism entirely and stand with the British people in mourning the loss of innocent lives taken away during this past Monday night attack.

Islamic State proudly called out the attacker “a soldier of the caliphate” who was able to “plant explosive devices.” On the contrary, the caliph of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community, His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad has stated: “those who seek to justify their hateful acts in the name of Islam are serving only to defame it in the worst possible way.” With Ramadan right around the corner, Muslims will be focusing on remembering and praying for those affected by this tragedy and will continue to strive towards establishing peace in the community.


Read original post here: USA: Ahmadi Muslim womencomment on current affairs -- 'pray for those misguided souls'

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