Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Australia: Ahmadiyya Muslim community of Logan held emergency services seminar

The event included lunch and question and answer session, before community members were given demonstrations and took photos with emergency services staff and their vehicles.

Image: Jimboomba Times
Times of Ahmad | News Watch | UK Desk
Source/Credit: Jimboomba Times
By Jimboomba Times | September 13, 2017

The Ahmadiyya Muslim community of Logan held a services seminar at the Baitul Al Masroor Mosque in Stockleigh on Sunday, September 10.

In attendance were four police officers from Logan Police, two paramedics from Jimboomba’s Emergency Response Team and Queensland Fire and Emergency Services community engagement officer Robert Bloss, who were all on hand to educate the community about their roles and respective services.

The event included lunch and question and answer session, before community members were given demonstrations and took photos with emergency services staff and their vehicles.

Image: Jimboomba Times
Each of the officers gave career advice to youth and Ahmadiyya Muslim community media liaison Zain Baig said the services personnel enjoyed giving back and building closer ties to the wider Ahmadiyya community.

“All the officers were very pleased with their visit to the Stockleigh mosque,” he said.

“Everyone commented and said they learned a lot and were very much pleasantly surprised to see the culture, inclusiveness and hospitality at the mosque.

“The panelists really enjoyed the main session, the presentations, the hospitality and children asking good questions.”

Read original post here: Australia: Ahmadiyya Muslim community held emergency services seminar

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