Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Indonesia: Ahmadiyya Jama'at Sues For Changes in Religious Defamation Law

The Constitutional Court is asked to revoke article 1,2,3 of Act number 1 of PNPS in 1965 and to declare it contradictory to the 1945 Constitution.

Times of Ahmad | News Watch |
Source/Credit: Viva.co.id
By Viva News | September 11, 2017

The Ahmadiyya sued Law no. 1 / PNPS / 1965 on Prevention of Misuse and / or Blasphemy. The law is the basis of the issuance of Joint Decree (SKB) 3 minister No. 3/2008 No. Kep ​​033 / a / ja / 2008 and No. 199 Year 2008, which became the basis for banning the worship and destruction of many Ahmadiyah community worship facilities.

"It has been interpreted to be too broad, it is a rubber-stamp article which consequently has a lot of trapping, there are many victims of the Law of PNPS, especially Ahmadiyah followers. This is a case about destruction [of worship places]. In this request we focus on the ban on worship in the mosque," said Ahmadiyah lawyer, Fitria Sumarni , at the Constitutional Court Building (MK) Jakarta, Monday, September 11, 2017.

Fitria said in this lawsuit lawyers' focus is on banning of Ahmadiyah worship at their mosques. At this time, Ahmadiyah followers are forced to worship in secret, because their mosque is sealed, destroyed or even burnt down by the the masses.

The Constitutional Court is asked to revoke article 1,2,3 of Act number 1 of PNPS in 1965 and to declare it contradictory to the 1945 Constitution.

The legal basis that guarantees religious freedom in Indonesia is our Constitution, namely Article 28E Paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution ("1945 Constitution"). Furthermore Article 29 Paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution also states that the State guarantees the independence of each its inhabitants to embrace religion.

"In our petition we are actually asking that the PNPS Law be interpreted conditionally because the interpretation of the PNPS Law translated in SKB 3 minister is too broad, so that people who only worship in the mosque can be interpreted to blame (Ahmadiyah) as a result of the mosque being sealed, destroyed and even burned," said Fitria. (ren)

Read original post here: Indonesia: Ahmadiyya Jama'at Sues Religious Defamation Law 

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