Saturday, September 9, 2017

Perspective: 'The Koran forbids Muslims to closely associate with non-Muslims' is unfair criticism

With the accession of political power to Islam, as promised in the Qur’an, forging of political alliances became necessary for the Muslim State.

Photo credit: SeekersHub
Times of Ahmad | News Watch | UK Desk
Source/Credit: Lanka Web
By A. Abdul Aziz | September 7, 2017

This is in reference to an article titled: ARMED MUSLIM INSURGENTS STARTS VIOLENCE IN MYANMAR by Dr. Daya Hewapathirane (LW – 28.08.2017).

In his lengthy article the writer throws number of criticism against Islam, quoting verses of Holy Qur’an here and there and put an image as if Qur’an promotes violence and religious disharmony. Writer says, the Koran forbids Muslims to closely associate non-Muslims.

This Holy Qur’an was sent through the Universal Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to guide all mankind. It is the book, not only for Muslims. An open book for all!! If anyone says there is no need to make people (non-Muslims) understand what Holy Qur’an teaches, it is ignorant. A person can understand the real teachings of Islam, only if he gone through this Holy Book. If we are not providing, presenting, donating this Holy Book to others –(non-Muslims), then we cannot blame them for their ignorant in understanding its teachings.
As long as this attitude grows, i.e. Holy Qur’an should not be given to others – non-Muslims should not be allowed even to touch, it is obvious; a type of passion will emerge from their hearts and mind in such a level that we must read Holy Qur’an. To fulfill the thirst of others, this Holy Qur’an is being translated into various languages and thus reaching to the hands of non-Muslims. If a person in thirst, a glass of water will give him such a joy, similarly, these days, non-Muslims are also in thirst to know about Holy Qur’an and its teachings. In our country when we present this Holy Book – Sinhala Translation of Holy Qur’an to our fellow citizens, particularly to our non-Muslims brothers and sisters including Heads of other Faiths, Professors, Principals VIPs etc. they utter such a valuable words which clearly indicate about their passions to read this Holy Book. Let me put some of their comments as below:-

1. This valuable gift will provide us the opportunity to read the scripture of other religion.

2. A necessary one and added these days people are quarrelling each other for unnecessary issues and I am pleased to have such a valuable book.

3. Our children should know what religions teach – not only their own religion, but also they should know what other religion say. This is the foundation for the religious harmony.

4. I did not find any source to have such a holy book even though I contacted Muslim friends.

5. I am in searching of such a Holy Book and will read it in full and hailed the task of Ahmadiyya Community in translating Holy Qur’an into Sinhala language.

6. I (she) am very keen to have a copy of Holy Qur’an and thanked for fulfilling my wish.

7. I (she) am pleased to have such a wonderful book for our library.

8. While accepting copy of Holy Qur’an Sinhala Translation, showed much interest to know about the real teachings of Islam as the name of Islam being damaged because of few evil elements. When explained, accepted Islam – a religion of peace.

9. A great gift and she was longing for.

10. When certain extremist elements launched a campaign against Islamic Holy Book, he was thinking he should read this book to know what it really says. Now this is the time for me to read this Holy Book, he added.

11. While accepting copy of Holy Qur’an Sinhala Translation, said she will read this Holy Book as she is in longing of to know about what it says. She opened the Holy Qur’an and read out the meaning of First Chapter (Sura Fathiha) and remarked that the beginning of the verses of this chapter resembles with beginning of the Buddhist Scripture and recited and explained. She immediately called the Chief Librarian of the School and introduced about the delegation and asked her to touch the Holy Book while the delegation took the photograph.

12. This the day he assumes his duty as Principal and glad to get this presentation.

13. I have never seen Holy Qur’an in my life and willingness to get the copy.

14. This is the need of the hour.

15. He was very much amazed to know about Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at’s wonderful task in translating Holy Qur’an into 75 languages and commended such a wonderful task.

16. Expressed his willingness to know about Islam as he remarked that the religion of peace cannot support any type of terrorism in any form.

17. Expressing her interest to know about Islam, while accepting the Copy of Holy Qur’an Sinhala Translation.

18. While accepting the Holy Qur’an Sinhala Translation, said, he will read.

19. She accepted Islam is a religion of Peace, even though certain elements creates bad image.

20. The Holy Prophet of Islam, admonished to respect all religions and that’s why he also is trying to promote religious harmony in the country.

These are the few out of many (

Dr. Daya Hewapathirane says: The Quran tells Muslims to slay the unbelievers wherever they find them (2:191)”.

But the previous verse of this particular verse goes on to say like this: And fight in the cause of Allah against those who fight against you, but do not transgress. Surely Allah, loves not the transgressors (2: 190).The verse contains the gist of the conditions which should regulate a religious war which were made binding on Muslims. The conditions mentioned in this verse are four in number:

1. Such a war should truly be undertaken with the object of removing obstacles placed in the way of God and His religion. Any war that is not fee sabeelillah; is not a lawful religious war.

2. Such war is allowed only against those who first take up arms against Muslims as the words (those who fight against you), indicate.

3. Great care should be taken that women, children and old men of belligerent nation who do not take actual part in the war against Islam are you. If, however, if an old man or woman takes actual part in the fighting the responsibility lies on him or her and in such a case he or she loses the concession. Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: ‘Do not kill an old man or a child or a woman, always try to improve things and reform matters and act kindly towards others, for Allah loves those who act kindly’ (Abu Dawud).

4. Muslims should bring the war to an end as soon as the enemy desists from fighting, for in this case further fighting is not permissible, as the words ‘do not transgress; surely Allah loves not the transgressors’ clearly prove. What a just and noble teaching how tersely and beautifully expressed!

The verse under discussion (2: 191) says: ‘And kill them wherever you meet them and drive them out from where they have driven you out; for, persecution is worse than killing. And fight them not in, and near, the sacred Mosque until they fight you therein. But if they fight you, then fight them; such is the requital for the disbelievers’.

The verse relates to conditions when a war has actually broken out. Obviously it does not apply to all disbelievers, for it only says ‘kill them’ and not ‘kill the disbelievers’. The pronoun ‘them’ clearly refers to those who fight against you as mentioned in the previous verse. The verse calls upon Muslims o fight against only such disbelievers as take up arms against them. It does not call upon to slay each and every disbelievers that may happen to come in their way. Indeed this verse affords a remarkable instance of the way in which the plain words of the Qur’an are generally distorted by the opponents of Islam like Dr. Daya Hewapathirane.

Dr. Daya Hewapathirane. quotes ‘do not befriend them’ (3:28).

Holy Qur’an Chapter 3 verse 28 says: ‘Let not the believers take disbelievers for friends in preference to believers, and whoever does that has no connection with Allah except that you cautiously guard against them. And Allah cautions you against His punishment; and to Allah is the returning’

With the accession of political power to Islam, as promised in the Qur’an, forging of political alliances became necessary for the Muslim State. The above verse embodies the guiding principle that no Muslim State should enter into treaty or alliance with a non Muslim State which should in any way inure or conflict with the interest of other Muslim States. The interests of Islam should transcend all other interest.

Dr. Daya Hewapathirane. quotes ‘fight them and show them harshness’ (9:123).

Holy Qur’an Chapter 9 verse 123 says: ‘O ye who believe! fight such of the disbelievers as are near to you and let them find hardness in you; and know that Allah is with the righteous’.

The words such of the disbelievers as are near to you, signify those hypocrites who lived among the Muslims and intermixed with them. Muslims were enjoined to fight them as a class and not each and every and not each and every one of them individually. They were to fight them by exposing their malpractices and hypocritical deeds and by bringing these to the notice of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). The words and let them find hardness in you; means that, like a hard thing which refuses to receive impressions, a Muslim should not allow himself to be influenced by his evil desires and the evil persons who surround him.

Dr. Daya Hewapathirane. quotes: ‘and smite their heads’ (47:4).

Holy Qur’an says in Chapter 47 (Sura Muhammad) and verse: 4 And when you meet in regular battle those who disbelieve, smite their necks; and, when you have overcome them, by causing great slaughter among them, bind fast the fetters – then afterwards either release them as a favour or by taking ransom – until the war lays down its burden. That is the ordinance. And if Allah had so pleased, He could have punished them Himself, but He has willed that He may try some of you by others. And those who are killed in the way of Allah – He will never render their works vain”.

This verse is a nutshell lays down some important rules about the ethics of war and its conduct and incidentally deals a death blow to slavery. Briefly these are: When they are engaged in regular battle in the defence of their faith, honour, lives or property, the Muslims are enjoined to fight bravely and relentlessly, giving no quarter, and expecting none from the enemy; and not to flee from the field of battle under lame or weak excuses. They must either win or die. When war is once started, it should continue till peace is established and freedom of conscience secured. Prisoners are to be taken from the enemy, only after regular and pitched battle has been bought, and the enemy is decidedly and positively beaten. Thus regular war is declared to be the only reason for taking prisoners; for no other cause free men are to be deprived for their liberty. When war is over, prisoners should be released, either as an act of favour, or on taking ransom or by negotiating mutual exchange. They should not be held permanently in captivity or treated as slaves.

(This chapter – sura is also known as Qital – war because it devotes a large portion of its text to the subject of war – its causes, ethics and consequences. It was revealed after Hijra (migration) – large part of it having revealed probably before the battle of Badr, in the early days of Prophet Muhammad’S (PBUH) life at Medina.

Dr. Daya Hewapathirane. quotes ‘It prohibits Muslims to associate with their own brothers and fathers if they are non-believers (9:23), (3:28)’.

Holy Qur’an says in chapter 9 verse 23: ‘O ye who believe! take not your fathers and your brothers for friends if they prefer disbelief to faith. And whoso of you takes them for friends, such are the wrrongdoers’.

This verse refers to that class of disbelievers who were actively hostile to Islam and strove hard to exterminate it.

Holy Qur’an says in chapter 3 verse 28: ‘let not the believers take disbelievers for friends in preference to believers- and whoever does that has no connection with Allah-except that you guard yourself fully against them. And Allah cautions you against His punishment, and to Allah is the returning’.

With the accession of political power in Islam as promised, forging of political alliances became necessary for the Muslim State. The above verse embodies the guiding principle that no Muslim State should enter into treaty or alliance with a non-Muslim State which should in any way injure, or conflict with the interests of other Muslim States. The interests of Islam should transcend all other interests.

Before criticizing that Islam allows killing of non-Muslims, but what is not recognized is the context and history behind these verses. The history tells us that when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) began preaching the unity of God he was persecuted for 13 years, much as Prophets Abraham and Jesus were. Since Muslims who are being persecuted are encouraged to leave for safer areas, rather than create disorder, Muhammad (PBUH) and his followers migrated to Medina. After they left, the Meccans attacked them in Medina on and off for a period of nine years.

For example, Muslim women had each of their legs tied to different camels who were then made to run in opposite directions so that the bodies of the Muslim ladies were wrenched apart.

Other Muslims were mercilessly beaten or made to lie on the burning desert sands of Arabia as heavy stones were placed upon them. Their persecutors demanded that the Muslims renounced their faith, yet they never countenanced abandoning Islam.

Further, after being driven out of their homes, the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and his followers were not left in peace, rather the opponents of Islam pursued them to wage war in order to eliminate Islam once and for all. It was then that Allah the Almighty permitted the Muslims to defend themselves but not just to defend Islam but to defend the institution of religion itself and in order to defend the principle of universal freedom of belief.

Muslims are only permitted to engage in war in a defensive capacity, when an attack is made to destroy religion. Wars are not permitted to pursue vested interests or in order to seize the wealth of others or to conquer lands or people.

Even in defensive warfare, Islam is very clear that only the aggressors can be targeted and it is not permitted to attack innocent people. Thus, if Muslim extremists are waging wars where innocents are being killed it is completely barbaric and can never be justified.

The cruelties and crimes committed by the Meccan non-Muslims over many years meant that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) would have been justified in authorising all means of punishment. Yet, he who was the true ‘mercy for all of mankind’ and the ‘King of Peace’ proclaimed that all transgressions and cruelties were to be forgiven. He said that all those willing to live in peace were free and all would have the right to practice their beliefs without any fear.”


1. Tafseer e Kabeer by Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad.

2. Holy Qur’an with short commentary by Sher Ali.

3. Compilation of speeches bybHazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad.

(The writer can be reached at: )

Read original post here: Perspective: 'The Koran forbids Muslims to closely associate non-Muslims' is unfair criticism

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