Sunday, January 21, 2018
Malaysia: Ahmadi Muslim refugee artist shows off talent in Kuala Lumpur
Currently self-studying for the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE), the 18-year-old is passionate about education.
Times of Ahmad | News Watch | Int'l Desk
Source/Credit: The Star Online
By Clarissa Chung | January 21, 2018
With the Refugees Got Talent competition organised by NGO Give&Go Malaysia, refugees living in Malaysia now have an avenue to show off their diverse skills.
Geeti Ara, who is from Pakistan, finds release for her troubles through writing poems, drawing portraits and public speaking – talents that she proudly showcased at the competition’s first round of auditions yesterday.
Currently self-studying for the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE), the 18-year-old is passionate about education.
“Children are children, we can’t compare whether they are Malaysian or a refugee. Children should get the right to study.
“If they are not studying, they may end up as criminals, but if they do get an education, they will become useful members of society,” said Geeti, who fled her home country when the Ahmadiyya Muslim community she belonged to was persecuted.
Read original post here: Malaysia: Ahmadi Muslim refugee artists show off talent in Kuala Lumpur
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