Mission statement

Our mission is simple.

We want to be the world's most updated independent source of publicly news relating to all things faith-Islam-Ahmadiyya.

We want to show the world the very pristine and original face of Islam and we want to expose the ugly face of the current-day clerics teaching extremism in the world of faith.

We want to highlight the contrast between the peaceful Islam founded by the Holy Founder of Islam, the Prophet Muhammd (on whom be peace), and the current versions being practiced as Islam by the extremists and terrorists who have hijacked the faith.

And, last but not the least, we want to highlight the contrast between the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and the rest of the Muslim world.

We do not know if it will be easy or not, but we do know one thing; it is going to be worth it.

And, we want you to know that THE TIMES OF AHMAD is an independently run and privately managed news outlet and contents archival website; and it does not claim to speak for or represent the official views of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.

  -- ** And, we have no intention of making our pages look like BBC or CNN. Thank you.

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THE TIMES OF AHMAD is NOT an organ of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, nor in any way associated with any of the community's official websites. Times of Ahmad is an independently run and privately managed news / contents archival website; and does not claim to speak for or represent the official views of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. The Times of Ahmad assumes full responsibility for the contents of its web pages. The views expressed by the authors and sources of the news archives do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Times of Ahmad. All rights associated with any contents archived / stored on this website remain the property of the original owners.