Thursday, December 1, 2011

Ghana: “Call your boy to order- President Mills!!,” demands opposition National Patriotic Party

"People in high office ought to be "more responsible and circumspect in their utterances in order to maintain the peace currently being enjoyed in Ghana." [Maulvi Adam]

Dr. Maulvi Wahab Adam seen leading thousands in prayers in Ghana
Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch |
Source/Credit: Ghana News Agency
By Imran Jattala | December 12, 2011

When Ghanaians are trying to find a solution to the politics of insult, wrote National Patriotic Party (NPP) Communication Team in a press statement, they finds it very difficult to believe the government's rookie appointees can "open their mouths anyhow and attempt to drag the hard won reputations of statesmen in the mud just to score cheap political points."

The NPP  statement says that after attacking the integrity of Catholic Bishops and going scot free without any bold leader in Attah Mills' NDC calling him to order, Kwakye Ofosu, Director of Communications at the Presidency, is in the news again, for the very wrong reasons of course, and this time attacking Ahmadiyah Muslims in Ghana and their respected leader Dr. Maulvi Wahab Adam.

Maulvi Adam had complained in an interview that the comments made by Koku Anyidoho to the effect that government will deal ruthlessly with some leading members of the opposition NPP, were "unfortunate".

"People in high office ought to be "more responsible and circumspect in their utterances in order to maintain the peace currently being enjoyed in Ghana," said Maulvi Adam.

The NPP statement took serious issue with President Mills' silence over the remarks by Koku Anyidoho.

This 'small boy' has the audacity, said the statement, to hurl insults at a world renowned and revered religious leader when all Maulvi Wahab Adam did was to execute his duties as a member of the National Peace Council.

“In fact, Maulvi Wahab's description of Koku's statement as “unfortunate” was appropriate.” Communication Team, NPP-China said. “As a member of the National Peace Council, he is mandated to speak against utterances that seek to threaten national peace.”

The NPP-China Communication Team went on to question if the “NDC, through their mouth-piece Kwakye Ofosu,” now also part of launching insults at respected religious leader just for being pointed out as how unfortunate and disappointing their government has become, especially in their utterances.

“In fact, NPP-China is tempted to believe that Kwakye Ofosu is only being used to convey the collective position of the NDC on issues of national peace which unfortunately is one of violence, intimidation and disregard for rule of law,” the satatement read.

“We dare the President, the Vice President and the hierarchy of Attah Mills' NDC on whose behalf this 'small boy' speaks to come out to prove otherwise,” the press release asserted.

The press statement said the silence of the President and the leadership of the NDC not only supports Kwakye's actions but also Koku's 'unfortunate' life threatening statement. NPP declared they "will not watch unconcerned when our national peace is being threatened with such impunity.”

NPP press release demanded from the DNC leadership to render an apology to Maulvi Wahab Adam and to call all their representatives to order with immediate effect.

  -- Ghana: “Call Your Boy To Order- President Mills!!,” demands opposition National Patriotic Party

  -- Ahmadiyya Times
  -- By Imran Jattala

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