Monday, January 9, 2012

Canada: Ahmadi Muslim youth spreading a message of peace

“We are not going door to door telling people they need to become Muslim. We are telling them we are Muslim and they may think these things about us. But please give us a chance to tell you what we believe.”

Atif Heral, left, Umar Riaz and Ghulam Gill pose with the Ahmadiyya Muslim
Youth Association’s poster display. Photographer: Sean Allen
Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch |
Source/Credit: Brant News
By Sean Allen | January 8, 2011

A regional chapter of a Muslim organization spent Saturday afternoon in Paris promoting the message that Islam is a religion of peace.

“We want to dispel any myths about what the Qu’ran portrays,” Umar Riaz said. “Some people think Islam is a religion of terrorism, but if you have done your own research you will realize that nowhere in the Holy Qu’ran is there a verse about terrorism. It is all about peace and loving mankind.”

Volunteers from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association set up displays at the Paris Library on the weekend to educate, inform and discuss their religion.

The Ahmadiyya is a sect of Islam established in 1889 in India that has branched out to the world and currently has 65 chapters across Canada.

Adam Alexander, the regional coordinator of AMYA’s outreach program, said the Ahmadiyya sect began peacefully reaching out shortly after the worldwide coverage of Florida pastor Terry Jones’ burning of the Qu’ran in April of last year.

“Some Muslim nations lost their minds over this,” Alexander said. “But the Ahmadi church leader said the event was the Muslims’ fault because we haven’t properly portrayed the Qu’ran the way it should be.”

AMYA volunteers have held information sessions in 125 small communities in Canada following nearly a year of door-to-door canvassing where 2,500 volunteers brought their message to more than $1.2 million Canadians in 254 towns.

Alexander said the outreach is meant to provide information. Volunteers don’t want to push their religion on people.

“We are not going door to door telling people they need to become Muslim,” he said. “We are telling them we are Muslim and they may think these things about us. But please give us a chance to tell you what we believe.”

Riaz said the reception at both the door and open house events have been very positive.

“People are very impressed,” he said. “They enjoy seeing the peaceful side of Islam that is rarely portrayed in the news.”

The display in Paris was about sharing the Islamic view of the Mother Mary. Alexander said many people are surprised to learn there is more written in the Qu’ran about Mary than in any other religious tome.

Read original post here: Spreading a message of peace

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