Friday, February 24, 2012

Faith and politics: GOP seesk to distract electorate with social issues | Mansura Minhas

Santorum and Gingrich are using these issues to spur the conservative base, which is fervently vying for a candidate that captures its soul.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: Sun-Sentinel Letters
By Mansura Bashir Minhas | February 22, 2012

Had White House ‘declared a war on the Catholic Church’?

Social issues have taken center stage in the 2012 campaign and the media doesn’t share the sole blame for hyping up contentious, outdated issues like birth control. Santorum and Gingrich are using these issues to spur the conservative base, which is fervently vying for a candidate that captures its soul.

Santorum suggests that Obama’s agenda is ‘based on some phony theology, not a theology based on the Bible’ and Gingrich blames that the White House had ‘declared a war on the Catholic Church’. Seriously?

Read original post here: Mansura Bashir Minhas: GOP seesk to distract electorate with social issues

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