Wednesday, December 4, 2013

USA: Thanks In Action And Gratitude's Blessings

...[A]ll religions stress the importance of giving thanks. This is what makes the Thanksgiving holiday so special. It transcends religious differences and reminds us that gratitude is something all faiths have in common.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch |
Source/Credit: OC Register
By Letters | November 26, 2013

CHINO, Muhammad Atif Khan: As we relish our turkeys and cranberry sauce this Thanksgiving, let us also pledge to help the Typhoon Haiyan victims, Syrian refugees who are braving the upcoming harsh weather and millions of our poverty-stricken brethren.

Thanking God for all His blessings can be done through words and through actions, by living up to the potential that He has granted us all, and using that to help His creation out of misery.

As an Ahmadi Muslim, I thank my God through words in my five daily prayers and also through actions such as donating blood, raising funds, assisting humanitarian organizations and doing whatever little charity I can, even if it's just a smile.

FULLERTON, Ahsan M. Khan: In Judaism, the Torah shares the mitzvah of bikkurim, which emphasizes the importance of giving thanks. The New Testament shares instances of Jesus Christ thanking God for His providence. And the Prophet Muhammad taught us that one who is not grateful to man cannot be grateful to God.

Similarly, all religions stress the importance of giving thanks. This is what makes the Thanksgiving holiday so special. It transcends religious differences and reminds us that gratitude is something all faiths have in common.

Read original post here: USA: Thanks in action and Gratitude's blessings

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