Thursday, January 9, 2014

Lebanon:50,000 Books burned in Christian Library

Unfortunately, these attacks are on the increase and major concerns are being raised about the increase in violent hysteria against all perceived threats to Islam in the Muslim world.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch |
Source/Credit: The Way
By Amanda Hopkins | January 8, 2014

A Christian library in Lebanon had two-thirds of some 80,000 books and manuscripts burned by arsonists who targeted the library claiming it had a pamphlet that blasphemed the prophet Mohammed. The Library is located in Tripoli, Lebanon and owned by a Greek Orthodox priest, Ibrahim Surouj who met with Islamist leaders in the city before the attack. Surouj pleaded with the Islamist leaders before the attack, stating that he had nothing to do with the pamphlet which was published in Denmark in 2010, despite his pleas the library was still burnt by arsonists.

Robert P George who is the head of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) informed the Christian Post that:
“The really bad news is that this is not out of the ordinary.” “We see the Middle East emptying its historic Christian populations.” “My father’s family is Syrian, from the ancient Antiochian Orthodox community.” “They lived peacefully with their Muslim neighbours, they were able to make a life for themselves, and now they have fled.” He added that more emphasis should be placed on promoting religious freedom across the world to prevent further attacks.

Unfortunately, these attacks are on the increase and major concerns are being raised about the increase in violent hysteria against all perceived threats to Islam in the Muslim world. Nina Shea, director of the Hudson Institute’s Centre for Religious Freedom, made mention of this and denounced the governments of Saudi Arabia and Iran, she called on the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to put an end to its “own worldwide campaign of stirring passions against religious insult.”

Shea is the co-author of the book ‘Silenced: How Apostasy and Blasphemy codes are Choking Freedom Worldwide.’ She also urged the OIC to “condemn the violence that is now waged against the Lebanon Christian library, and, even more critically, against the Christian minorities in all parts of the Arab world.”

Read original post here: Lebanon:50,000 Books burned in Christian Library

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