Wednesday, January 8, 2014

US: 1,000 Ahmadi Muslims attend 28th annual West Coast Convention at Chino

Speech topics during the Saturday morning session included: The Challenge of Atheism, How Islam Combats Arrogance, Keeping Away from Foul Deeds, The Obedience of the Companions of the Promised Messiah, and, The Companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Imam Shamshad Nasir missionary SW region speaking on the
High Morals of the Holy Prophet
Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: Baitul Hameed Mosque
By Staff report | January 7, 2014

It’s expected that Christians celebrate and remember Jesus at Christmas time, but who would expect Muslims to celebrate and remember the Second Coming of Jesus in the same month? But, for the past 27 years during the last weekend in December, that has been the agenda for many hundreds of Southern California and West Coast members of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.

An estimated 1,000 members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and their invited guests gathered at the Baitul Hameed Mosque in Chino on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Dec.27-29, for the Community’s 28th annual West Coast Convention. The majority of attendees came from the US West Coast from San Diego to Seattle. Others came from the southwestern cities of Las Vegas, Phoenix, Tucson and New Mexico. Others came from the US Midwest and East Coast, and still others came from as far away as Toronto, Canada.

Audience during Saturday session Sat Dec 28 Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
28th annual convention
The three-day Islamic convention officially began at 1:30pm with the Friday sermon and prayer conducted by Imam Naseem Mahdi, national vice-president and In-Charge of all Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (AMC) missionary activities in the US. The opening session began at 3pm and was presided over by Dr. Mirza Maghfoor Ahmad AMC vice-president.

Opening remarks and a prayer blessing were delivered via live video transmission from the AMC headquarters in Silver Spring, MD, by the organization’s national president Dr. Ahsanullah Zafar. He draw the attention of the members towards the aims of the convention.This was followed by the first speech by NW regional missionary Imam Mubashar Ahmad on “Belief in the Unseen: the Way to Certainty and Salvation.”

The other speeches from the Friday session were: “The Exalted Status of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) as Seal of the Prophets” by Waqas Malik, NW regional vice-president from Seattle, and “The Message of Islam and Our Obligation to Convey It” by AMC national propagation sec. Hassan Hakeem.

Imam Naseem Mahdi missionary in-charge USA speaks on Contributions
 of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
Speech topics during the Saturday morning session included: The Challenge of Atheism, How Islam Combats Arrogance, Keeping Away from Foul Deeds, The Obedience of the Companions of the Promised Messiah, and, The Companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

There was a separate Saturday morning session in the Ladies’ Hall at the same time where Ahmadi Muslim women gave speeches on: “The Attribute of Allah: as-Sattar -- the Concealer of Faults” by Saadia Ahmed, “The Life of the Holy Prophet: the Example for All Times” by Sadiqa Rashid Malik, “The Best Provision is Righteousness: Fulfilling the Role of Mother and Wife” by Naila Ahmed, “What Attracted Me to Islam” by converts Dawn Ahmed and Unber Shah, and “Self-Reformation: the True Mission of the Promised Messiah” by Monsura Sirajee.

On Saturday afternoon, there was a special public session from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm that focused on the Holy Quran and the Prophet Muhammad and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community with speeches on the following subjects: “Infinite Treasures of the Holy Quran” by national Quran instruction sec. Zaheeruddin Mansoor Ahmad, “The High Moral Excellences of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)” by SW regional missionary and Imam of the Baitul Hameed Mosque, Shamshad A. Nasir, he gave many incidents of the life of Prophet Mohammad to be followed in Muslim's life, he also mention Mr Michael Hart's well-known book, "The 100: A Ranking of the most Influential Persons in history." Mr Hart writes: My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels..." and “The Contributions of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community” by Imam Naseem Mahdi.

Hassan Hakeem AMC Natl Propagation Sec speaks on conveying
the message of Islam
The final session of the Convention started Sunday morning at 10:00 am and was presided by Dr N Rehmatullah national Voice President of AMC and ran until 12:30 pm. The topics of the two remaining speeches were: Khilafat (spiritual leadership and governance) in Ahmadiyya Islam, and The Family Life of the Promised Messiah Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.

The closing address was delivered by national vice-president of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in the US, Dr. Naseem Rehmatullah.

The non-political, non-violent and peace-loving Islamic sect was founded in Northern India in 1889 as a reform movement by the Imam Mahdi and Promised Messiah, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908). The Ahmadiyya Community now has thousands of chapters and millions of members in 204 countries. The Community’s motto is: “Love for All – Hatred for None.”

The annual conventions of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community began in 1891 in Qadian, northern India, the birthplace of the founder, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, who was appointed by God as the Imam Mahdi and Promised Messiah. He came to bring all people back to God, to revive the religion of Islam and reinstate its true teachings, to reform Muslims, and defend Islam and the honor of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) from the foul abuse and false charges of opponents and critics. These continue to be the goals of the leadership and all its sincere members to this day.

Rahman Abdul Aleem (R) mans the Ahmadiyya Muslim book stall
and talks with guests Jimmy de la Garza (C) and John Sullivan (L)
Since its inception in 1889, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has translated the Holy Quran into more than 70 languages and now has tens of millions of members spread across 204 countries. They were the first Muslim group to send missionaries to preach Islam in America starting in 1920. They have the world’s only 24-hour satellite Islamic TV broadcast that reaches every corner of the earth (watch online at

Ahmadis are the only peaceful, non-political and unified body of Muslims in the world – they are united under a spiritual leader (Khalifa) who condemns all terrorism and works tirelessly for peace and interfaith harmony in the world. For more information, call Imam Shamshad at 909-627-2252 or 909-636-8332 or go online to:

  --  1,000 Ahmadi Muslims attend 28th annual West Coast Convention at Chino Mosque Dec. 27-29

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