Friday, March 21, 2014

Australia: Ahmadiyya Muslims are ‘A Great Community,’ politician declares

Mr Byrne praised the local Ahmadiyya community in Victoria and said that the Victorian branch of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association is the largest chapter in Australia and it is actively involved in supporting the broader community.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | AU Desk
Source/Credit: AMJ - Australia
By Press Release | March 20, 2014

Australian Politician praises the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association in Australian Parliament of its exemplary community services in Victoria and throughout the world.

On 20th of March 2014 Federal Member of Australian Parliament Hon. Anthony Byrne, MP for Holt, applauded the exemplary community work of the local Ahmadiyya Muslim community in Victoria and throughout the world.

In his speech delivered in the National Parliament in Canberra MP Anthony Byrne mentioned his recent meeting with the Supreme Head and the fifth Khalifa of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, during His Holiness’s tour of Melbourne.

Mr Byrne said,
“His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad expressed in his speech and powerful presentation the peaceful beliefs of the Ahmadiyya community and their enduring commitment to support Ahmadiyyas around the world and the communities they live within.”

Speaking about the worldwide Ahmadiyya community’s beliefs and services to humanity, Mr Byrne said,
“The Ahmadiyya Muslim community holds peace, reconciliation, harmony, love and mutual respect as their key values and, importantly, promotes open interfaith dialogue to remove misunderstanding and to achieve inter-religious harmony. They have worked tirelessly to convey the peaceful message of Islam and to discredit supposed Islamic justifications for terrorism or extremism…the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has as its motto 'love for all and hatred for none' and they are deeply committed to upholding this doctrine…globally the Ahmadiyya Muslim community has built over 15,000 mosques, 500 schools and 300 hospitals. It has translated the holy Koran into 70 languages and propagates the true meaning of Islam and the message of peace and tolerance through the internet, print and a 24-hour satellite television channel. The Ahmadiyya community is heavily involved in social welfare activities for the benefit not only of their members but of the broader community. They run a number of schools and medical facilities across Africa and Asia.”
Highlighting the persecution of the Ahmadiyya Muslims despite having peaceful and tolerant religious teachings, Mr Byrne said,
“The Ahmadiyya community face persecution in many countries around the world, including Indonesia, Pakistan, Malaysia, Bangladesh and Saudi Arabia, where they are considered non-Muslim and, as a result, face serious breaches of their human rights, such as not having the right to vote and having their lives at constant risk because of their moderate beliefs … Unfortunately, for their trouble, in other countries that I have mentioned they are being persecuted; they are literally being killed. President Obama mentioned this in a prayer breakfast speech in Washington.”
Mr Byrne praised the local Ahmadiyya community in Victoria and said that the Victorian branch of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association is the largest chapter in Australia and it is actively involved in supporting the broader community.

He said,
“These are people who are putting their money where their mouth is, reaching out, trying to connect across faiths and across the community, promoting tolerance and understanding. They are a great community; they are a community we should be holding and promoting. I congratulate them on their endeavours and look forward to working with them in the future.

Anthony Byrne is the Federal Member for the Holt electorate in the House of Representatives in the Australian Parliament. Anthony was elected in a by-election in 1999, and re-elected in 2001, 2004, 2007, 2010 and 2013.

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a dynamic, reformist and fast-growing international revival movement within Islam. Founded in 1889, the Community spans more than 200 countries with membership exceeding tens of millions.

 --  Australia: Ahmadiyya Muslims are ‘A Great Community,’ politician declares

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