Sunday, January 25, 2015

USA: Senate Republicans Remove 'Civil Rights And Human Rights' From Subcommittee Name

The new chairman of the newly named subcommittee is Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas). His office confirmed that it made the switch.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: The Huffington Post
By Dana Liebelson / Ryan J. Reilly
Posted: January 23, 2015

WASHINGTON -- Senate Republicans revealed this week that they have eliminated the phrase “civil rights and human rights” from the title of a Senate Judiciary subcommittee charged with overseeing those issues.

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) became chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee this month and announced the members of the six subcommittees this week. With Grassley’s announcement, the subcommittee formerly known as the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Human Rights suddenly became the Subcommittee on the Constitution.

The new chairman of the newly named subcommittee is Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas). His office confirmed that it made the switch.

“We changed the name because the Constitution covers our most basic rights, including civil and human rights,” said Cornyn spokeswoman Megan Mitchell. “We will focus on these rights, along with other issues that fall under the broader umbrella of the Constitution.”

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Read original post here: Senate Republicans Remove 'Civil Rights And Human Rights' From Subcommittee Name

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