One can benefit immensely from the prayer performed at that time of the night, as such supplication has special effects on his/her heart and soul
Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | US Desk
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By Imam Shamshad Nasir | July 3, 2015
Once again we have the great fortune to reap the glorious blessings of the blessed Holy Month of Ramadan. The Holy Prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him), called this month 'the blessed month" as God rewards us, seven to one thousand times more, for our good deeds. It is such a blessed month that once, the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "Paradise is decorated to welcome each Ramadan from the end of one Ramadan to the beginning of next one”. God opens the door of Paradise and showers His blessings on anyone who strives for it.
The following are some suggestions on how one can take full advantage of God's blessings and benefit from this glorious month of Ramadan:
1-Congregational Prayers
It is mentioned several times in the Holy Quran that one should observe prayers in congregation. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said that the reward for observing congregational prayers is 27 times more than that of individual prayers. Each Muslim should therefore strive hard to attend congregational prayers so that he/she can enjoy the extra blessings during the Blessed Holy Month of Ramadan.
2-Tahajjud (Midnight/ Dawn) Prayer
Believers should make utmost effort to perform Tahajjud Prayers on a daily basis. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to observe Tahajjud Prayers by performing eight Rakaat Nawafil then three Rakaat Wit'r. It is suggested that one should take special measure to allocate some time to perform Tahajjud Prayer at midnight or at dawn, as many Ahadith (traditions of the Holy Prophet of Islam) emphasize the benefits of this supererogatory prayer. It is also said that God accepts the prayers performed at the last part of the night. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) once said that God pronounces at the last third of every night, "Is there anyone who prays to me so I may accept his prayer? Is there anyone who supplicates to me so that I may bestow on him acceptance of his desires? Is there anyone who seeks forgiveness so I may forgive him?" (Tirmidhi: Kitab-ul-Daawat).
Some people say that they have very busy days so it becomes difficult for them to get up at night but God, the All-Knowing and Merciful, does not want to deprive anyone of His blessings, thus He advises all Muslims to assign a little part of the night for prayer so that he can benefit from His special blessing and mercy.
In the Holy Quran, God addressing the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) says, "Thou hast indeed, during the day, a long chain of engagements", yet the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) offered Tahajjud prayers regularly, regardless of his heavy daily activities. Muslims should therefore follow his example and make it a practice to perform at least two Rakaat Nawafil Prayers at Tahajjud time to achieve maximum spiritual benefits. Additionally, one can benefit immensely from the prayer performed at that time of the night, as such supplication has special effects on his/her heart and soul.
3-Taraweeh Prayer
Taraweeh Prayer is a special congregational prayer performed exclusively in the month of Ramadan. Muslims should make special effort to observe this prayer in the Mosque. One should note that Taraweeh Prayers must not be treated a substitute for Tahajjud Prayer which stands separate and in itself has very great rewards from God.
4-Recitation of The Holy Quran
The Holy Quran was first revealed to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the month of Ramadan so there is a deep relationship between Ramadan and the Holy Quran. In other words, the month of Ramadan is like a birthday of the Holy Quran. Muslims frequently· recite the Holy Quran during this month and study its profound meanings. In accordance with the Sunnah (Practice) of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), one should try to read the entire Quran twice if possible, or at least once, during Ramadan.
5-Supplicate, Supplicate and Supplicate!
There is no doubt that Ramadan is the month of acceptance of prayers. Hadrat Umar (may God be pleased with him) relates, that the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "God forgives the supplicant in Ramadan and the requester is never returned un-rewarded." God says to the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), "When my servants ask thee about Me, say, I am near; I answer the prayer of supplicant when he prays to Me." It is appropriate to remind everyone at this point that one should also pray to God for acceptance of his/her prayers because, in Ramadan, a special time for acceptance of prayers has been assigned for those who observe the fast. A Hadith in Ibni-Maja states that the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), said that God does not reject supplications at the time of Iftar, thus we gather that this is the best time to supplicate. One should therefore not waste this time in loose talk and other activities. Instead, he/she should sit in isolation and pray 15 to 20 minutes before the time of Iftar. This is also a good time for us as Muslims to pray for the propagation of Islam, the unity of mankind, love and brotherhood amongst all Muslims and for world peace.
6-Zik'r-i-Khuda, Forgiveness and Invoking Blessings on the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him)
Zik'r-i-Khuda (remembrance of God) is highly recommended during this blessed month. One should remember God and His blessings much and frequently ask for His forgiveness since He has promised to shower His blessings upon the believers during Ramadan. One should therefore not be neglectful, else the whole month passes by, and he reaps not a single benefit. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "The example of the one who remembers God and one who doesn't is like (the difference between) a living or dead person".
Hadrat Jabir (may God be pleased with him) relates that the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) came to us and said, "0 people, try to make full use of Gardens of Paradise. We asked, "0 Messenger of God, what does Gardens of Paradise mean?" He replied that congregations of Zik'r (those who sit in remembrance of God) are like Gardens of Paradise". He (peace be upon him) also said, "Remember God in the morning and evening".
God has promised to forgive all the wrongdoings of the past of those who seek his pleasure in Ramadan. There are some specific prayers which should be recited frequently in this blessed month. Here are some examples:
In addition to these and other prayers, one should spend time invoking blessing of God on the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him).
God returns His blessing and mercy many times more on the one who seeks God's blessing for the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "He who invokes God's blessing on me one time, God returns it to him tenfold".
It is mentioned in the Abu Daud, Kitabul-Salat and Bab-AI-Dua with reference of Hadrat Fazala (may God be pleased with him) that the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) saw a person observing his prayer in the Mosque but he neither said any word to praise God nor invoked any blessing on the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) called the person and said, "Whenever anyone among you wants to supplicate in the prayer, he should start it with God's praise and then ask God's blessing for the Prophet (peace be upon him) and after that he can ask for what ever he wishes."
Hadrat Ibn-i-Umar (may God be pleased with him) relates that the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "God, the Lord of honor and glory, will accept the repentance of a servant of His, till his death-rattle begins. His repentance is not rejected" (Tirmidhi; Kitab-ul-Daawat)
Hadrat Jundub (may God be pleased with him) relates, the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "A man said; by God, He will not forgive so and so; where upon God, the Lord of honor and glory, said; who is he, who takes an oath in my name that I will not forgive so and so? I have forgiven him and have deprived you of your good deeds of all merits." (Muslim: Kitab AIMursalat)
God says in the Holy Quar'an, "God would not punish them while they sought forgiveness". (AI-Anfal: 34)
During the month of Ramadan, God rewards one more for the material and financial sacrifices offered to meet the needs of others. God has given the believers special commands which when followed will lead to spiritual purification and physical health. Believers are taught to abandon everything for the sake of God and make sacrifices of one's needs and wishes. Ramadan gives awareness of the needs of others who are deprived of basic necessities. One way to win God's blessing therefore is to give more in charity and sadqat. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) was the most generous human being on earth. He never returned any needy person empty handed. If, he could not meet a person's need at that time he would advise him to borrow the required item or money and later when means became available the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) would pay back the debt on behalf of the person. During Ramadan, the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) would give so much that his generosity seems to have no bounds.
Fitrana (a fund for underprivileged people so that they can celebrate Eid-ul-Fit'r) is made obligatory for every believer with no limitation to age. It is a specified amount that every Muslim has to give in Ramadan. The purpose is twofold; it teaches one to make sacrifice and is used to bring some happiness in the life of the unprivileged.
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) once said, "The good deeds and prayers are suspended in the month of Ramadan somewhere in the middle of earth and heaven and it is only Fitrana that carries them to the heaven to be accepted by God". One should try to give Fitrana in the beginning of Ramadan, and not wait till the end, so it can be used to benefit the needy people during the month.
9-Itekaf (Retreat in the Mosque during last ten days of Ramadan)
The last ten days of the month of Ramadan is the period where believers gather in the Mosque and stay for the entire duration spending their time is supplication to Almighty God. The Muatakif (one who observes the Itekaf) finds a solitary place away from any kind of disturbance and worldly business and spends this period, uninterrupted, in the remembrance of God. He invokes blessings on the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), recites the Holy Quran, asks for God's forgiveness, supplicates for the problems of human beings and for the unity of the Muslim Community. Itekaf is highly significant as Hadrat Ayesha (God be pleased with her), wife of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), describes the tradition he practiced that he used to energize his nights with prayer and tell the other members of the household not to sleep and spend nights in the service of God. (Bukhari)
We all know that the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) used to pray and spend most of his time in the service of God, but during the last ten days of Ramadan, it exceeded all bounds. Believers are advised to take full advantage of the last days of Ramadan. They should make deliberate effort to spend most of the time in prayer, thus seeking the pleasure of God.
10-Lailat al-Qadr
The Holy Quar'an states about Lailatul-Qadr, "The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months". (Al-Qadr: 4)
The majority of Muslims wish to find this great night of God's blessings as God says that believers should try to find it in the last ten days of the month of Ramadan. It is a great opportunity for those who missed most of the prayers due to worldly businesses that either they perform Itikaf or spend greater parts of their days and nights in seeking God's blessings. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "God will forgive all the past sins of a person who prays in the night of Lailat al-Qadr with pure intention and is a true believer". (Muslim).
Lailatul-Qadr is one of those true moments when God promises to accept the prayers. As true believers one can achieve the blessings of Lailatul-Qadr at other times also. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "One, who would say all the prayers in Ramadan in congregation, will have some experience of Lailat al-Qadr". (Kanz al-Ummaal)
He also taught His beloved wife Hazrat Ayesha (may God be please with her) to recite the following prayer at the night of Qadr: "0 God! You are the Great pardoner, You love to pardon, and hence I seek Your pardon". (Tirmidhi: Abwab-ul-Daawat)
God has commanded Muslims to have a celebration at the end of Ramadan. This special day is called Eid-ul-Fit'r and it's a reward for those who have submitted to the will of God during the month of Ramadan. Muslims celebrate this very auspicious day because God has given them an opportunity to achieve the benefits of Ramadan in their life time. It is also a way to express their thanks to God for all the extra bounties He has given during Ramadan. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) always insisted that all Muslim men, women and children must participate in Eid-ul-Fit'r Prayers and celebrations which is a reward for bearing the hardships in Ramadan. Eid-ul-Fit'r brings the believers closer to God and that is the true happiness.
For further information, please contact Imam Shamshad Nasir at Ph# 909-636-8332
-- Perspective: How one can benefit from Ramadan | Imam Shamshad Nasir
This content-post is archived for backup and to keep archived records of any news Islam Ahmadiyya. The views expressed by the author and source of this news archive do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of Ahmadiyya Times. Ahmadiyya Times is not an organ of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, nor in any way associated with any of the community's official websites.
2-Tahajjud (Midnight/ Dawn) Prayer
Believers should make utmost effort to perform Tahajjud Prayers on a daily basis. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to observe Tahajjud Prayers by performing eight Rakaat Nawafil then three Rakaat Wit'r. It is suggested that one should take special measure to allocate some time to perform Tahajjud Prayer at midnight or at dawn, as many Ahadith (traditions of the Holy Prophet of Islam) emphasize the benefits of this supererogatory prayer. It is also said that God accepts the prayers performed at the last part of the night. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) once said that God pronounces at the last third of every night, "Is there anyone who prays to me so I may accept his prayer? Is there anyone who supplicates to me so that I may bestow on him acceptance of his desires? Is there anyone who seeks forgiveness so I may forgive him?" (Tirmidhi: Kitab-ul-Daawat).
Some people say that they have very busy days so it becomes difficult for them to get up at night but God, the All-Knowing and Merciful, does not want to deprive anyone of His blessings, thus He advises all Muslims to assign a little part of the night for prayer so that he can benefit from His special blessing and mercy.
In the Holy Quran, God addressing the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) says, "Thou hast indeed, during the day, a long chain of engagements", yet the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) offered Tahajjud prayers regularly, regardless of his heavy daily activities. Muslims should therefore follow his example and make it a practice to perform at least two Rakaat Nawafil Prayers at Tahajjud time to achieve maximum spiritual benefits. Additionally, one can benefit immensely from the prayer performed at that time of the night, as such supplication has special effects on his/her heart and soul.
3-Taraweeh Prayer
Taraweeh Prayer is a special congregational prayer performed exclusively in the month of Ramadan. Muslims should make special effort to observe this prayer in the Mosque. One should note that Taraweeh Prayers must not be treated a substitute for Tahajjud Prayer which stands separate and in itself has very great rewards from God.
4-Recitation of The Holy Quran
The Holy Quran was first revealed to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the month of Ramadan so there is a deep relationship between Ramadan and the Holy Quran. In other words, the month of Ramadan is like a birthday of the Holy Quran. Muslims frequently· recite the Holy Quran during this month and study its profound meanings. In accordance with the Sunnah (Practice) of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), one should try to read the entire Quran twice if possible, or at least once, during Ramadan.
5-Supplicate, Supplicate and Supplicate!
There is no doubt that Ramadan is the month of acceptance of prayers. Hadrat Umar (may God be pleased with him) relates, that the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "God forgives the supplicant in Ramadan and the requester is never returned un-rewarded." God says to the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), "When my servants ask thee about Me, say, I am near; I answer the prayer of supplicant when he prays to Me." It is appropriate to remind everyone at this point that one should also pray to God for acceptance of his/her prayers because, in Ramadan, a special time for acceptance of prayers has been assigned for those who observe the fast. A Hadith in Ibni-Maja states that the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), said that God does not reject supplications at the time of Iftar, thus we gather that this is the best time to supplicate. One should therefore not waste this time in loose talk and other activities. Instead, he/she should sit in isolation and pray 15 to 20 minutes before the time of Iftar. This is also a good time for us as Muslims to pray for the propagation of Islam, the unity of mankind, love and brotherhood amongst all Muslims and for world peace.
6-Zik'r-i-Khuda, Forgiveness and Invoking Blessings on the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him)
Zik'r-i-Khuda (remembrance of God) is highly recommended during this blessed month. One should remember God and His blessings much and frequently ask for His forgiveness since He has promised to shower His blessings upon the believers during Ramadan. One should therefore not be neglectful, else the whole month passes by, and he reaps not a single benefit. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "The example of the one who remembers God and one who doesn't is like (the difference between) a living or dead person".
Hadrat Jabir (may God be pleased with him) relates that the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) came to us and said, "0 people, try to make full use of Gardens of Paradise. We asked, "0 Messenger of God, what does Gardens of Paradise mean?" He replied that congregations of Zik'r (those who sit in remembrance of God) are like Gardens of Paradise". He (peace be upon him) also said, "Remember God in the morning and evening".
God has promised to forgive all the wrongdoings of the past of those who seek his pleasure in Ramadan. There are some specific prayers which should be recited frequently in this blessed month. Here are some examples:
• "0 Our Lord, pour forth steadfastness upon us, and make our steps firm, and help us". (Sura AI-Baqara -Chapter 2 verse 251)
• "Our Lord, let not our hearts become perverse after Thou hast guided us, and bestow on us mercy from thyself; surely, Thou art the Great Bestower" (Sura AI-Imran-Chapter 3 verse 9)
• "Pardon me, 0 my Lord, for all the sins and grant me protection"
In addition to these and other prayers, one should spend time invoking blessing of God on the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him).
God returns His blessing and mercy many times more on the one who seeks God's blessing for the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "He who invokes God's blessing on me one time, God returns it to him tenfold".
It is mentioned in the Abu Daud, Kitabul-Salat and Bab-AI-Dua with reference of Hadrat Fazala (may God be pleased with him) that the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) saw a person observing his prayer in the Mosque but he neither said any word to praise God nor invoked any blessing on the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) called the person and said, "Whenever anyone among you wants to supplicate in the prayer, he should start it with God's praise and then ask God's blessing for the Prophet (peace be upon him) and after that he can ask for what ever he wishes."
Hadrat Ibn-i-Umar (may God be pleased with him) relates that the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "God, the Lord of honor and glory, will accept the repentance of a servant of His, till his death-rattle begins. His repentance is not rejected" (Tirmidhi; Kitab-ul-Daawat)
Hadrat Jundub (may God be pleased with him) relates, the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "A man said; by God, He will not forgive so and so; where upon God, the Lord of honor and glory, said; who is he, who takes an oath in my name that I will not forgive so and so? I have forgiven him and have deprived you of your good deeds of all merits." (Muslim: Kitab AIMursalat)
God says in the Holy Quar'an, "God would not punish them while they sought forgiveness". (AI-Anfal: 34)
"And those who, when they commit a foul deed or wrong themselves, remember God and implore forgiveness for their sins and who can forgive sins except God and do not knowingly persist in what they do." (AI-Imran: 136)The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "Whoever makes it obligatory to ask God's forgiveness, God will bestow comfort for him and remove his hardships and provide him with means of living that he never imagined." (AI-Daud)
During the month of Ramadan, God rewards one more for the material and financial sacrifices offered to meet the needs of others. God has given the believers special commands which when followed will lead to spiritual purification and physical health. Believers are taught to abandon everything for the sake of God and make sacrifices of one's needs and wishes. Ramadan gives awareness of the needs of others who are deprived of basic necessities. One way to win God's blessing therefore is to give more in charity and sadqat. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) was the most generous human being on earth. He never returned any needy person empty handed. If, he could not meet a person's need at that time he would advise him to borrow the required item or money and later when means became available the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) would pay back the debt on behalf of the person. During Ramadan, the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) would give so much that his generosity seems to have no bounds.
Fitrana (a fund for underprivileged people so that they can celebrate Eid-ul-Fit'r) is made obligatory for every believer with no limitation to age. It is a specified amount that every Muslim has to give in Ramadan. The purpose is twofold; it teaches one to make sacrifice and is used to bring some happiness in the life of the unprivileged.
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) once said, "The good deeds and prayers are suspended in the month of Ramadan somewhere in the middle of earth and heaven and it is only Fitrana that carries them to the heaven to be accepted by God". One should try to give Fitrana in the beginning of Ramadan, and not wait till the end, so it can be used to benefit the needy people during the month.
9-Itekaf (Retreat in the Mosque during last ten days of Ramadan)
The last ten days of the month of Ramadan is the period where believers gather in the Mosque and stay for the entire duration spending their time is supplication to Almighty God. The Muatakif (one who observes the Itekaf) finds a solitary place away from any kind of disturbance and worldly business and spends this period, uninterrupted, in the remembrance of God. He invokes blessings on the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), recites the Holy Quran, asks for God's forgiveness, supplicates for the problems of human beings and for the unity of the Muslim Community. Itekaf is highly significant as Hadrat Ayesha (God be pleased with her), wife of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), describes the tradition he practiced that he used to energize his nights with prayer and tell the other members of the household not to sleep and spend nights in the service of God. (Bukhari)
We all know that the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) used to pray and spend most of his time in the service of God, but during the last ten days of Ramadan, it exceeded all bounds. Believers are advised to take full advantage of the last days of Ramadan. They should make deliberate effort to spend most of the time in prayer, thus seeking the pleasure of God.
10-Lailat al-Qadr
The Holy Quar'an states about Lailatul-Qadr, "The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months". (Al-Qadr: 4)
The majority of Muslims wish to find this great night of God's blessings as God says that believers should try to find it in the last ten days of the month of Ramadan. It is a great opportunity for those who missed most of the prayers due to worldly businesses that either they perform Itikaf or spend greater parts of their days and nights in seeking God's blessings. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "God will forgive all the past sins of a person who prays in the night of Lailat al-Qadr with pure intention and is a true believer". (Muslim).
Lailatul-Qadr is one of those true moments when God promises to accept the prayers. As true believers one can achieve the blessings of Lailatul-Qadr at other times also. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "One, who would say all the prayers in Ramadan in congregation, will have some experience of Lailat al-Qadr". (Kanz al-Ummaal)
He also taught His beloved wife Hazrat Ayesha (may God be please with her) to recite the following prayer at the night of Qadr: "0 God! You are the Great pardoner, You love to pardon, and hence I seek Your pardon". (Tirmidhi: Abwab-ul-Daawat)
God has commanded Muslims to have a celebration at the end of Ramadan. This special day is called Eid-ul-Fit'r and it's a reward for those who have submitted to the will of God during the month of Ramadan. Muslims celebrate this very auspicious day because God has given them an opportunity to achieve the benefits of Ramadan in their life time. It is also a way to express their thanks to God for all the extra bounties He has given during Ramadan. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) always insisted that all Muslim men, women and children must participate in Eid-ul-Fit'r Prayers and celebrations which is a reward for bearing the hardships in Ramadan. Eid-ul-Fit'r brings the believers closer to God and that is the true happiness.
For further information, please contact Imam Shamshad Nasir at Ph# 909-636-8332
-- Perspective: How one can benefit from Ramadan | Imam Shamshad Nasir
This content-post is archived for backup and to keep archived records of any news Islam Ahmadiyya. The views expressed by the author and source of this news archive do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of Ahmadiyya Times. Ahmadiyya Times is not an organ of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, nor in any way associated with any of the community's official websites.
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