Saturday, August 29, 2015

India: Qadian Ahmadi youth group tours Ludhiana site of first Ahmadiyya Bai'at

Kashif Khalid says the main reason for organizing the tour was, "so that young generation can become aware of our jama'at's history."

Ahmadiyya historical site Ludhiana. See description below
Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | Int'l Desk
Source/Credit: Kashif Khalid
By Staff report | August 29, 2015

The youth wing of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Majlis Khuddam-ul Ahmadiyya, in Darus Salam area of Qadian organised an informative training tour to a certain historical site in Ludhiana, a city in Punjab, India.

12 youth members left Qadian on August 27th to took part in a tour the next day of the site where the very first group of the faithful entered the folds of Islam-Ahmadiyya, reports Kashif Khalid, a local youth leader.

Ludhiana, about 85 miles south of Qadian, is the city where the holy founder of the Ahmadiyya community, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah, took first Bai'at (allegiance) on 23rd March 1889, hence establishing the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.

40 people had pledged allegiance to Hazrat Ahmad on that very first day 126 years ago at a house belonging to one Sufi Ahmad Ja'an, a dear companion of Hazrat Ahmad.

The Ahmadiyya youths visit to Ludhiana was in following the advice of the Khalifa Of Islam, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, who has inspired the community members in a recent Friday sermon to visit the sacred place.

Kashif Khalid says the main reason for organizing the tour was, "so that young generation can become aware of our jama'at's history."

On the tour day, August 28th, Kashif Khalid reports, the formal program began with Tahajjud (early pre-dawn ) prayers in congregation and a meeting of the youth group with local Ahmadiyya Imam in Ludhiana who explained the historical event and importance of the sacred place.

There appears a prediction in the sayings (Hadith) of the Holy Prophet Muhammad from fourteen hundred years ago, youth leader Kashif Khalid explains, that according to the prophesy, the Promised Messiah would kill Dajjal (Anti Christ) at Bab-e-lud باب لد , and the Ahmadi Muslims consider Ludhiana the very place referenced in the Hadith.

Coincidentally, this is the same city where the first Christian mission of Punjab was established in 1885, Kashif Khalid added.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is now established worldwide with over 160 million followers and branches located in 207 countries and territories of the world.

Top picture set:
... (دارالبيعت ،، باب لُٕد)
1.... The place where the Promised Messiah sat while taking the first Bai'at (Allegiance)
2.... Ludhiana Railway Station
3.... The room of Sufi Ahmad Ja'an's house where the first Bai'at took place
4....The mosque attached to the room -- built later in 1949

Botom-right picture set
Ahmadiyya youths from Qadian started their tour day with Sala'at-ul Tahajjud, Sala'at-ul Fajr, and a meeting with local Ahmadiyya Muslim Imam in Ludhiana

Read original post here:

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