Friday, August 28, 2015

UK: Uncommon spirit of love, sacrifice at Ahmadiyya Jalsa Salana

Many deserving students were honoured at the conference including Nigerian Sadr Lajna imalillah, Dr. Basirat Dikko for her PhD

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | UKDesk
Source/Credit: National Mirror Nigeria
By Sekinah Lawal | August 28, 2015

With general lack of religious understanding among millions of people and wrong interpretations of religious doctrines for selfish purposes, with many perpetrating evil in God’s name, we really need to make worldly things to be subservient to God’s rulings. At the just-concluded 2015 UK Jalsa Salan of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, the world leader repeatedly appealed to people to stop making their aim superior to God’s own in the name of freedom and religion. He made it known that the current state of the world is pathetic while the western power cannot guarantee world peace.

As a result, equity should be established all over the world in order to ensure peace. In this age of disorder, we should continue to do those good things to ensure that justice is established as the first stage of spirituality is to be just with your fellow men. True to the Islamic teachings, thousands of people from various professional calling and age grades were seen carrying out their assigned duties with zeal and seriousness irrespective of age, race, sex or status.

The community has been growing and establishing the love of God, righteousness, purity, piety, peace and goodwill among men. The devotion to God is so much strengthened by the spirit of love and sacrifice. The Jamaat’s rapid rate of growth has been very inspiring despite the constant and often severe persecution by its opponents. It has built thousands of mosques and Tabligh Markaz (missions) throughout the world, opened clinics and schools globally, and translated the glorious Qur’an into several languages.

It is quite amazing seeing the quatum of activities and projects that were carried out by volunteers who sacrifice their time, skills, wealth and property for the sake of Allah. If this spirit can be emulated by all Muslims, the sky will not even be the limit. With regular offering of the five daily prayers in accordance with the commandments of God and the Holy Prophet and regularity in offering the Tahajjud (pre-dawn supererogatory prayers) and invoking blessings on the Holy Prophet Muhammed, daily routine of asking forgiveness of sins as well as to remember the bounties of God, praise and glorify Him.

Despite their status, many entirely give up pride and vanity while living their lives in humbleness, cheerfulness, forbearance and meekness. Many deserving students were honoured at the conference including Nigerian Sadr Lajna imalillah, Dr. Basirat Dikko for her PhD, Muideen Muibi who got a first class in Computer Science, another Nigerian Ahmadi, Amina Modupe Bello, student of the Northern State Medical University, Alkangesk, Russia who bagged first class honours in Medicine.

The new Medical Doctor, from Oyo State, is the daughter of Alhaji Y. Bello from Wakajaye Jama’at of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, Monatan Circuit. Dr. Kamaldeen Ali of Ghana Navy also got an award for his PhD on Maritime Resources from University of Guinea. In a related development, more new missionaries and four students have been selected to travel for a four-year and seven-year Bachelors programme in Islamic theology and Jurisprudence at the Ahmadiyya Mubashireen College in Ghana. The first three best graduating students at the Jamia Mubashireen course in Ilaro were chosen for a three year course while the remaining four students were chosen for a seven year programme after a highly competitive examination.

It was revealed that the purpose of the threeday event is to promote world peace, brotherhood as well as return to the noble values and teachings Islam. It is still quite amazing that the Jalsa ground, which is a farmland, and can be transformed by happy and very dedicated members to host such a large gathering without any hitch. This is quite worthy of emulation and very commendable.

Read original post here: UK: Uncommon spirit of love, sacrifice at UK Jalsa

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