Monday, May 9, 2016

UK: Over 100 people attend Ahmadiyya Bangla Desk's Tabligh Forum in Liverpool

A Key note speech on the topic ‘’Muhammad (saw) – Price of Peace’’ was delivered by Mawlana Feroj Alam, In-Charge, Central Bangla Desk.

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | UK Desk
Source/Credit: Bangla Desk, AMA-UK
By Desk Report | May 8, 2016

Discussion held about the true teaching of Islam and the character of the Holy Prophet Muhammad

A Tabligh Forum (faith outreach) was successfully organised by the Bangla Department, Ahmadiyya Muslim Assocition UK (AMA-UK) in the Liverpool Ahmadiyya Mission House on Sunday, the 1st of May 2016.

Presided over by Dr Abdullah Zakaria, In-charge of Bangla Department, AMA-UK, the forum was started with the recitation of the Holy Quran. Several dozen non Ahmadis attended the forum along with Ahmadis from the northern region of the country.

After the recitation of the Holy Quran, Dr Abdullah Zakaria delivered a speech on the introduction of the Ahmadiyyat.

A Key note speech on the topic ‘’Muhammad (saw) – Price of Peace’’ was delivered by Mawlana Feroj Alam, In-Charge, Central Bangla Desk. He emphasised the responsibilities of the Muslims to practice to true teachings of Islam so that it glorifies the beauty of Islam and raise the status of the founder of the faith – Muhammad (saw).

Regional Missionary Mr Malik Akram, Mawlana Mohammad Ahmad Khurshed and local president were also present in the programme. More than 100 attendees benefited from the discussion about the true teaching of Islam and the character of the Prophet Muhammad.

Interactive Q & A was organised at the end where guest speakers answered questions asked by the audience.

The programmed was concluded by the silent prayer led by Mawlana Malik Akram.


With files from Mansoor Ahmad, Secretary, Bangla Department, Ahmadiyya Mulim Assocition UK

-- UK: Over 100 people attend Ahmadiyya Bangla Desk's Tabligh Forum in Liverpool

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